Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1214

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123STA T . 11 94PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 —M A R .3 0, 2009 Dues e nb u ryT r act s of t h e eastern p arce l of the Tarpon B as i n boun d ary ad j ust m ent and accessed by Duesenbury C ree k.( B )MAP . — The term ‘ ‘map ’ ’ means the map entitled ‘‘ P roposed Tarpon Basin Boundary R e v ision’’ , numbered 160/8 0,01 2 , and dated May 2008. (C) SECR E T AR Y .—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ means the Sec - retary of the I nterior. (D) TARP ONB A SI N PROPERTY.—The term ‘‘Tarpon Basin property’’ means land that— (i) is comprised of appro x imately 600 acres of land and w ater surroundin gH urricane Hole, as generally depicted on the map

and (ii) is located in South K ey L argo. (2) BO U N D ARY RE V ISION.— ( A )IN G ENERA L .—The boundary of the E verglades N ational Park is adjusted to include the Tarpon Basin property. (B) AC Q UISITION AUT H ORITY.—The Secretary may ac q uire from willing sellers by donation, purchase with donated or appropriated funds, or exchange, land, water, or interests in land and water, within the area depicted on the map, to be added to Everglades National Park. (C) AVAILABILITY O FM AP.—The map shall be on file and available for public inspection in the appropriate offices of the National Park Service. (D) ADMINISTRATION.—Land added to Everglades National Park by this section shall be administered as part of Everglades National Park in accordance with applicable laws (including regulations). ( 3 ) HURRICANE HOLE.—The Secretary may allow use of Hurricane Hole by sailing vessels during emergencies, subject to such terms and conditions as the Secretary determines to be necessary. ( 4 ) AUTHORI Z ATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—There are author- i z ed to be appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this subsection. (b) LAND E X CHANGES.— (1) DEFINITIONS.—In this subsection

(A) COMPANY.—The term ‘‘Company’’ means F lorida Power & Light Company. (B) FEDERAL LAND.—The term ‘‘Federal Land’’ means the parcels of land that are— (i) owned by the U nited States; (ii) administered by the Secretary; (iii) located within the National Park; and (iv) generally depicted on the map as— (I) Tract A, which is adjacent to the Tamiami Trail, U.S. Rt. 41; and (II) Tract B, which is located on the eastern boundary of the National Park. (C) MAP.—The term ‘‘map’’ means the map prepared by the National Park Service, entitled ‘‘Proposed Land Exchanges, Everglades National Park’’, numbered 160/ 60411A, and dated September 2008. (D) NATIONAL PAR K .—The term ‘‘National Park’’ means the Everglades National Park located in the State.