Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1166

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123STA T . 11 46PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 —M A R .3 0, 200 9(6)AUTHORIZA TIO N O F A P PROPRIATION S.—Ther e isaut h o r - i z e d to b ea p propriated to the F u n d $40, 000,000 f or ea c hof fisca ly ears 2 00 9 throu g h20 1 9,tore m ain a v ailable until e x pended. (g) P RO G RA MI MP LE MENTATION AN DM ONITORING.— (1) W OR K PLAN.— N ot later than 1 8 0 days after the date on w hich a proposal is selected to be carried out, the S ecretary shall create, in collaboration with the interested persons, an implementation wor k plan and budget to implement the pro- posal that includes— (A) a description of the manner in which the proposal would be implemented to achieve ecological and community economic benefit, including capacity building to accomplish restoration

( B ) a business plan that addresses— (i) the anticipated unit treatment cost reductions over 10 years; (ii) the anticipated costs for infrastructure needed for the proposal; (iii) the pro j ected sustainability of the supply of woody biomass and small-diameter trees removed in ecological restoration treatments; and (iv) the projected local economic benefits of the proposal; ( C ) documentation of the non-Federal investment in the priority landscape, including the sources and uses of the investments; and ( D ) a plan to decommission any temporary roads estab- lished to carry out the proposal. (2) PRO J E C T IMPLEMENTATION.—Amounts transferred to the Secretary from the Fund shall be used to carry out ecological restoration treatments that are— (A) consistent with the proposal and strategy; and (B) identified through the collaborative process described in subsection (b)(2). ( 3 ) ANNUAL REPORT.—The Secretary, in collaboration with the Secretary of the Interior and interested persons, shall pre- pare an annual report on the accomplishments of each selected proposal that includes— (A) a description of all acres (or other appropriate unit) treated and restored through projects implementing the strategy; (B) an evaluation of progress, including performance measures and how prior year evaluations have contributed to improved project performance; (C) a description of community benefits achieved, including any local economic benefits; (D) the results of the multiparty monitoring, evalua- tion, and accountability process under paragraph (4); and ( E ) a summary of the costs of— (i) treatments; and (ii) relevant fire management activities. (4) MULTIPART Y MONITORING.—The Secretary shall, in collaboration with the Secretary of the Interior and interested persons, use a multiparty monitoring, evaluation, and account- ability process to assess the positive or negative ecological, social, and economic effects of projects implementing a selected Deadlin e .Bu d g e t .