Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 121.djvu/376

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[121 STAT. 355]
PUBLIC LAW 110-000—MMMM. DD, 2007
[121 STAT. 355]

PUBLIC LAW 110–53—AUG. 3, 2007

121 STAT. 355

dkrause on GSDDPC44 with PUBLAW

‘‘(D) at the direction of a majority of the members of the Board, submit a written request to the Attorney General of the United States that the Attorney General require, by subpoena, persons (other than departments, agencies, and elements of the executive branch) to produce any relevant information, documents, reports, answers, records, accounts, papers, and other documentary or testimonial evidence. ‘‘(2) REVIEW OF SUBPOENA REQUEST.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 30 days after the date of receipt of a request by the Board under paragraph (1)(D), the Attorney General shall— ‘‘(i) issue the subpoena as requested; or ‘‘(ii) provide the Board, in writing, with an explanation of the grounds on which the subpoena request has been modified or denied. ‘‘(B) NOTIFICATION.—If a subpoena request is modified or denied under subparagraph (A)(ii), the Attorney General shall, not later than 30 days after the date of that modification or denial, notify the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate and the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives. ‘‘(3) ENFORCEMENT OF SUBPOENA.—In the case of contumacy or failure to obey a subpoena issued pursuant to paragraph (1)(D), the United States district court for the judicial district in which the subpoenaed person resides, is served, or may be found may issue an order requiring such person to produce the evidence required by such subpoena. ‘‘(4) AGENCY COOPERATION.—Whenever information or assistance requested under subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) is, in the judgment of the Board, unreasonably refused or not provided, the Board shall report the circumstances to the head of the department, agency, or element concerned without delay. The head of the department, agency, or element concerned shall ensure that the Board is given access to the information, assistance, material, or personnel the Board determines to be necessary to carry out its functions. ‘‘(h) MEMBERSHIP.— ‘‘(1) MEMBERS.—The Board shall be composed of a fulltime chairman and 4 additional members, who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. ‘‘(2) QUALIFICATIONS.—Members of the Board shall be selected solely on the basis of their professional qualifications, achievements, public stature, expertise in civil liberties and privacy, and relevant experience, and without regard to political affiliation, but in no event shall more than 3 members of the Board be members of the same political party. The President shall, before appointing an individual who is not a member of the same political party as the President, consult with the leadership of that party, if any, in the Senate and House of Representatives. ‘‘(3) INCOMPATIBLE OFFICE.—An individual appointed to the Board may not, while serving on the Board, be an elected official, officer, or employee of the Federal Government, other than in the capacity as a member of the Board.

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President. Congress.




PsN: 59194PT1