Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/962

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916 THIRTY—SEVEN'1`H CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 30, 31, 35. 1863. ascertained and determined by the court. And thereupon said court shall order the amount so ascertained to be issued. And the Secretary of the In— Secretary of terior of the United States shall, and he is hereby authorized and required, }::g';‘g`_i:,°t':““° upon the order aforesaid, and the surrender of the land certihcate new held Stephen John- by said heirs to the United States, to cause to be 1ssued to said heirs, to $*°P» &°·» EH" wit : To Stephen Johnston aud his heirs and assigns, and to Eliza Winans Winans, &c. _ . _ _ . . . _ . and hex hens and assigns, m equal proportions, severally, land scrip of the United States to the amount ascertained and determined by the court as aforesaid, which scrip shall be receivable in payment for any lands of the United States subject to private entry, the minimum price of which does not exceed one- dollar and twenty-five cents per acre for each acre menscm, ,ec€iva_ tioned in the certificates of scrip so issued ; and said land scrip, if offered, ble in payment shall be receivable in payment of any lands of the United States the sale f" “'h“°· of which is authorized by law, the value of said scrip to be estimated at one dollar and twenty-five cents for each acre of land therein named. That is tosay,scrip for eighty acres of land shall be deemed to be of the value of one hundred dollars, and shall be received as sp much money when offered in payment of land worth more than one dollar and twenty- tive cents per acre, and the same rule shall apply to the scrip issued for a Assigmble by greater or less number of acres; and said land scrip shall, moreover, be indorsemeut, assignable by endorsement, attested by two witnesses, and shall be issued attested. in legal subdivisions in the following manner, to wit: For each section to s`g‘;E::£i;':\:°€°l be issued one certificate of scrip for one hundred and sixty acres, four ` certificates for eighty acres each, and four certiticates for forty acres each: Pmviso. Provided, That if there shall be any fraction less than forty acres to make up the amount to be issued, the same shall be so issued: And provided, Scripto bein further, That when so issued and delivered shall be in full satisfaction £‘;,lL€:*:5:;f;’°“ and adjustment of the claim aforesaid. ` A1»1>1:0v1c1>, February 9, 1863. Feb. 10, 1863. Cun. XXXL-—An Aet for the Relief of Bam: Vanderpoel. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Isaac Vanden States of America in Cbngress assembled, That the Secretary of the £E‘;£:§db§206_66 Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to allow to Isaac in settlement or Vanderpoel, late United States army pension agent at Albany, New hi¤¤°<=°¤¤*¤- York, in his account with the government of the United States of pensions paid by him, the item of two hundred and six dollars and sixty-six cents, ($206.66,) paid on the tenth of October, eighteen hundred and fifty-tive, to George Hamilton, purporting to act as attorney for Elizabeth 1853, eh. 41. Vanderheyden, a pensioner under the act of third of February, eighteen Vol. x. p. 154. hundred and fifty-three. Amexzowzn, February 10, 1863. Feb. 14, 1863. CHAP- XXXV`. -—An Act for t}realR;;iq/}¢y`d;ilw8kQ0a;;§zers of the Norwegian Bark “Admi- T . 0I' l .” Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Nmmsges ge k States of America in Congress assembled, That there be paid out of any ,,;"':,";;§;"P_“’ money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the order of the proper ]·0,-de,,sk;,,1d_·• functionary of His Majesty, the King of Sweden and Norway, the sum of fourteen thousand three hundred and nine dollars and thirteen cents, in coin, as full compensation to the owners of the Norwegian bark “Admiral P. 1‘ordensk¤old," or their legal representatives, for damages sustained by the said bark by reason of being prevented by the commander of the United States blockading force at Charleston, in May, eighteen hundred and sixty- one, from leaving the said port with cargo, the said bark having innocently entered during a brief interval in which the bloekading force was absent. Approved, February 14, 1863.