Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/913

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'I`HIRTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 178, 182, 191, 192, 193. 1860. 867 by said second section, (so far as said lands are concerned,) be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Sec. 2. And be et further enacted, That Congress hereby refuses to Certain claims confirm to the claimants under the Houmas grant, the lands embraced in ¤¤d°' ‘h°. certificates number one hundred and twenty-five to William Conway, §&°;°,;`°m§.;:§t number one hundred and twenty-seven to Daniel Clark, and `number one i hundred and thirty-three to Donaldson and Scott. Approved, June 21, 1860. HAP. CLXXXII.-—An Act to ant to the 't ‘ ’ C the lmlizary Reservation ry" FortWGratiot, foraitdiz 0:} lil{;chCE'3;nb;n€:‘;:; g * that Place. Be it enacted [gy the Senate and [base of Representatives of the Uizited States of America in Oangress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, Pm of mmm and he is hereby, authorized and required to convey to the city of Port reservation ry Huron, Michigan, of the military reservation of Fort Gratiot, a. lot not to €*°“"*°d *0 Pm exceed thirty acres, to be taken from the land adjoining the city cemetery a and to be used for its enlargement and for no other purpose, so far and under such conditions and reservations as in the opinion of the Secretary of War the public interest present or prospective may require. Approved, June 22, 1860. CHA?. CXCI.—An Act for the Relief of the `C'alg)"0rnia Stage Company. Jung 22, 1860. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ States ofzimerica in Congress assembled, That the Postmaster-General be authorized and directed to examine and adjust the claim of the Cali- Account of fornia Stage Company for extra services performed on routes numbers ggg;’;:?£°‘{;'·g° twelve thousand five hundred and forty-five and twelve thousand five examined, adhundred and thirty-five in California, for four years ending June thirty, .l¤S*°d» &°· eighteen hundred and fifty»eight, and the amount found due to said c0n· tractors shall be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, June 22, 1860. CHAP. CXCII.——An Ac! for the Relief of William Nelson. gum 22, 1g6g_ Be it enacted by the Senate and [base of Representatives of the United _ States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper accounting officers of the treasury be, and they are hereby, authorized to allow to Credit in ac- Lieutenant William Nelson, United States navy, in the adjustment of his $$25 Qgglahn ( accounts, the amount charged against him for goods stolen from the United Nelson t}, mm},; States ship Fredonia, while under his command: Provided, That the Of $100576- same shall not exceed one thousand and five dollars and seventy-six cents. Approved, June 22, 1860. CHAP. CXCIII.—An Act for the Relief of Robert Johnston. Jung 22, 1860, Be it enacted by the Senate and [Ruse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Robert John- Rgbgyfg Johnston, of the city of Philadelphia and State of Pennsylvania, be, and he 5*0** F¤¤y_lI?¢¤f¤ is hereby, authorized to locate, on any of the public lands of the United f;;(;t:;g._ States subject to location with military bounty land warrants, the follow- rants. ing described bounty land warrants heretofore issued under and by virtue of the act of eleventh February, eighteen hundred and forty-seven, viz. 184:/, ch. 8, 9 9. Number thirty-five thousand eight hundred and eighty-five, issued to V°1·’x‘ p' 12a' Charles H. Burns; number thirty-five thousand nine hundred and thirteen, issued to John Hurr; number thirty-five thousand nine hundred and eighteen, issued to John Lehman ; number thirty-five thousand nine hun-