Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/854

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824 THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. RES. 13, 18, 19, 20. 1863. with the enemy et Fort Pillow, at Meiupbis, end for successful operations at other points in the waters of the Mississippi River;. I O Captain John Captain John A. Dahlgren, for distinguished SCIVICB m the line of A- D¤1¤lSN¤· his profession, improvements m ordnance, and zealous and ehicient labors in the ordnance branch of the erviee , D _ _ Captain Ste- Captain Stephen C. Rowan, For distinguished services m the waters of Plm C·B°‘”‘“· North Carolina, and particularly in the capture of Newbern, being in chief command of the naval forces; Commander Commander David D. Porter, for the bravery and skill displayed in Dmd D· P°“°" the attack on the Post of Arkansas, which surrendered to the combined military and naval forces on the tenth of January, eighteen hundred and sixt ·three; _R¢¤r Ad¤}i*¤l Igzar-Admiral Silas H. Stringham, now on the retired list, for dis. Eg? H` smug` tinguished services in the capture of Forts Hatteras and Clark ; And that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to each of the above officers by the President of the United States. A1>PB.0VED, February 7, 1863. F¤b· 13, 1863· [No. 18.] Joint Resolution to compensate the Sailors on the Gunboat “Oairo" for Los; "`i_"` of Clothing. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United All¤w¤¤¤¤¢<> States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper accounting Esgfgtyggrgnid officers of the treasury be, and they are hereby, authorized, in settling mt **C¤im" for the accounts of the petty officers, seamen, sailors, and others of the crew l°“ °f°1°'*hi”€· of the United States guuboat "Cairo,” to allow to each a sum not exceeding fifty dollars as 2. remuneration for the damage they may have sustained in the loss of their clothing by the destruction of said vessel in December last. Approved, February 13, 1863. Feb- 16, 1863- [No. 19.] Joint Resolution to revive "An Act to secure to the Officers and Men actually YGM employed the Western Djpartment, or Dqartment of Missouri, their Pay, Bounty, Am, P_ 37L and Pemwm, and _/or other urposes/’ Resolved Qythe Senate and House of Representatives of l/ze United States Commissioners of America in Congress assembled, That the provisions of a joint resolution fsoziggfsxmm entitled “A resolution to suspend all payments under the act approved report ;,,_ the twenty-fifth of March, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, entitled ‘An A¤i¢,p· 693- act to secure to the officers and men actually employed in the Western Department, or Department of Missouri, their pay, bounty, and pension, and for other purposes,’" approved July twelfth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, be, and they are hereby, revived, and the commissioners therem provided for shall be allowed six months from the passage of this resolution within which to make their report. Approved, February 16, 1863. Feb. 20, 1868. No. 20. A Resolution to amend the "J 'nt; `_T§,]§:p_ 6u_ [ of the iloint Committee of Congress, apri1oin£e€ies tfeu.yC1zi$tu<;fq;`hel}¢€':%,§1"ti€’ approved the twenty-seventh January, ezghleen hundred and sixty-two. _ Resolved by the Senate and House o R resentatives o the Unitea Sg:g;5;¤ gglgezj; States of America in Congress assembIed{Thz? any portion c-Q the amount m,up°,¥m° opproprnaled by the joint; resolution for payment of the expenses of the order tgzthejoixplt Joint committee of Congress appointed to inquire into the conduct of the ‘£$‘:Lt 0*;.;:;* ° wer, approved the twenty-seventh January, eighteen hundred and sixty- pmgtobe sl- fno, that rnay have been, or shall hereafter be, allowed by the said vwvd, Sac- I Joint comrnutee to witnesses attending before it, or to persons employed m its se f d' ‘ rvice, or per tem, tra,vel[l]mg, or other necessary expenses, and