Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/800

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770 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 95, 96. 1863. D<¤p<>=iti0¤¤· that the said deposition is in the same condition as when he received the same; and he shall thereupon transmit the said letters or commission, so executed and certified, by mail, to the clerk lof the court from which the same issued, in the manner in which his official despatohes are transmitted to the Government. And the testimony of witnesses s0,'as aforesaid, taken and returned, shall be read as evidence on ·the trial of the suit in which the same shall have been taken, without objection as to the method of returning the same. A1>r1z0vE1>, March 3, 1863. March 3, 1863. Cmxr. XCVI. —-An Act to establish a Branch Mint of the Uisited States in the Territory ·;—·_*—" of Nevada. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Branch mint States of America in Congress assembled, That a branch of·the mint of ‘g;;{;:;fh5;L)‘j‘* the United States be located and established at Carson City, m the Terri. Nevada. ’ tory of Nevada, for the coinage of gold and silver. President to Seo. 2. And be it further enacted, That, For carrying on the business ¤¥P°F¤* °m°°F¤ of said branch, the following officers shall be appointed, as soon as the ° mm' public interest shall require their service, upon the nomination of the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, namely: one superintendent, one assayer, one melter and refiner, and one coiner ; Superintendent and the said superintendent shall employ as many clerks, subordinate

  • ° “Y’l’°“‘* °l€"kS‘ workmen, and laborers, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treas-

Saluies. ury, as may be required. The salaries of the said officers shall be as follows: To the superintendent, the sum of two thousand dollars ; to the assayer, the sum of eighteen hundred dollars; to the melter and refiner, eighteen hundred dollars; to the clerks, subordinate workmen, and laborers, such waves and allowances as are cuswmar , according to their respective stations and occupations. y (mom and Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the officers and clerks to be clerks to take appointed under this act, before entering upon the execution of their °“th‘ offices, shall take an oath or affirmation, before some judge of the United States or of the supreme court of said Territory, faithfully and diligently Bond. t-of perfogm the duties of their offices, and shall each become bound to the nited tates of America, with one or more sureties, to the satisfaction of the director of the mint, or the secretary of the Territory of Nevada, and of the Secretary of ·the Treasury, with the condition of the faithful performance of the duties of their offices. Dir‘¤¤f<>}" of Sec. 4. And be it further enaclcd, That the genera.] direction of the EQ;;;°;8d3.°°° business of said branch of the mint of the United States shall be under branch. the control and regulation of the director of the mint at Philadelphia, subject to the approbation of the Secretary of the Treasury; and for that purpose it shall be the duty of the said director to prescribe such regulations and require such returns periodically and occasionally, and to estabhsh sueh lcharges) for parting} assgying, re6nir; g, and coining, as shall appear o 1m to enecessar or the ur ose o carr in into effect the intention of thifs act in estabyhshing said biianchg also yriorahe purpose of preserving uni ormity of weight, iorm, and finish in the coin stamped at said branch. bcBr:;¤:1;fr3;n; S!·:c. 5. Anti be it further. enacted, That said branch mint shall be a mlgubuc mosey}, place of deposit for such public moneys as the Secretary of the Treasury sulmammdqut may direct. And the superintendent of said branch mint, who shall perto have custody. form the duties of treasurer thereof, shall have the custody of the same, and also porfbrm the duties of assistant treasurer; and for that purpose 1a46,_ch, 90, shall be subject to all the provisions contained in an act entitled “An act VW- ¤¤· P- 59- to provide for the better organization of the treasury, and for the collection, safe-keeping, Itransfer, and disbursement of the public revenue," approved August six, eighteen hundred and forty-six, which relates to the treasury of the branch mint at New Orleans.