Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/795

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THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 91, 92. 1863. 765 tinued in force in respect to such courts, and all other laws and parts of Saving and laws relating to said circuit, district, and criminal courts, are repealed. mpming °l&°°°` Sec. 17. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United P¤‘9¤id¢¤¤ ¤¤¤7 States, be, and he is hereby, authorized and empovvered to appoint, by :§§&Qf‘§a*;:;’f,°t,:g and with the advice and consent of the Senate, a suitable person, learned DistrictofCclnmin the law, to revise and codify the laws of the District of Columbia. bh- Src. 18. And be it further enacted, That the person who shall be thus Pay, and when appointed shall receive ten dollars per day for his services whilst so em- m ’°P°"*· ployed, and shall render a final report of his revision and coditication to Congress on or before the first day of January next. Approved, March 3, 1863. CHAP. XCII. —An Ac! to amend “An Act to establish a Court for the Investigation of March 8, 1863, Claims against the United States," approved February twenty;/bart/r., eighteen hundred *"‘"* and fiwve 3§?2°’;· été: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there shall be appointed Two additional by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, two .l¤dS°¤ *`°" €h° additional judges for the said court, to hold their ofnces during good be- °°°"°f°l°m°B‘ havior, who shall be qualified in the same manner, discharge the same duties, and receive the same compensation, as now provided in reference to the judges of said court; and that from the whole number of said judges the President shall in like manner appoint a chief justice for said court. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted,_That all petitions and bills praying An gtjtjons or providing for the satisfaction of private claims against the Government, ¤¤_<l bills {qv founded upon any law of Congress, or upon any re¤·ulation of an executive pwat? Clem _ c _ _ against tho gov=· department, or upon any contract, express or implied, with the Govern- ernment to be ment of the United States, shall, unless otherwise ordered by resolution S°“* *° tm °°“'*· of the house in which the same are presented or introduced, be transmitted by the secretary of the Senate or the clerk of the House of Representatives, with all the accompanying documents, to the court aforesaid. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the said court, in addition to _C<>u¤tt<> ponthe jurisdiction now conferred by law, shall also have jurisdiction of all $;(x‘,1;“gg§;;£°‘• set—otfs, counter-claims, claims for damages, whether liquidated or unliqui- ment. dated, or other demands whatsoever, on the part of the Government against any person making claim against the Government in said court; and upon the trial of"any such cause it shall hear and determine such claim or demand both for and against the Government and claimant; and if upon the Itthe court whole ease it finds that the claimant is indebted to the Government, it £,2$‘;£‘lQ“0$;‘:Sth° shall under [render] judgment to that effect, and such judgment shall be G0vm,,,,e,,t, to final, with the right of appeal, as in other cases herein provided for. Any ffndtyjudgment transcript of such judgment, filed in the clerk’s office of any district or h?;;;", to, circuit court of the United States, shall be entered upon the records of the judgmmg, be same, and shall ipso facto become and be a judgment of such district or <=¤;t<=r•§¤1 in discircuit court, and shall be enforced in like manner as other judgments gffbe iihcmlll. like other judg- Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the said court of claims shall m°¤*S· _ hold one annual session, commencing on the Srst Monday in October in tO2Q3x55g5S;;? each year, and continuing so long as may be necessary for the prompt dis- itionday ju Omposition of the business of the court. The said court may prescribe rules bw"- and regulations for practice therein, and it may punish for contempt, in Rumthe manner prescribed by common law. It may appoint commissioners, Commissioners. and may generally exercise such powers as are necessary to carry out the powers herein granted to it. The judges, solicitors, and clerks of said court shall be admitted to the use of the congressional library, and also Lew library. the law library, until a. law library be provided for them. The said court · _ may appoint a. baililii who shall hold his office during four years, unless B¤¤l¤f¥ sooner removed by said court for cause, and who shall receive a salary of Salary.