Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/696

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666 THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 58. 1863. President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate; he shall receive an annual salary of five thousand dollars; he shall have a com- Deputy comp petent deputy, appointed by the Secretary, whose salary shall be two troller; salary; thousand five hundred dollars, and who shall possess the power and perd“*i°S· form the duties attached by law to the office of comptroller during a vacancy in such office, and during his absence or inability; he shall employ, from time to time, the necessary clerks to discharge such duties as Clerks. he shall direct, which clerks shall be appointed and classified by the Secretary of the Treasury in the manner now provided by law. Within fifteen days from the time of notice of his appointment, the comptroller Om, ,,,,,1 bond shall take and subscribe the oath of office prescribed by the Constitution of Comptroller and laws of the United States; and he shall give to the United States a me d°p“ty‘ bond in the penalty of one hundred thousand dollars, with not less than two responsible freeholders as sureties, to be approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office. The deputy comptroller so appointed shall also take the oath of oflice prescribed by the Constitution and laws of the United States, and shall give a like bond in the penalty of fifty thousand dollars. The comptroller and deputy comptroller shall not, either directly or indirectly, be interested in any association issuing national currency under the provisions of this act. Seal of cities. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the comptroller of the currency, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, shall devise a seal, with suitable inscriptions, for‘ his office, a description of which, with a certificate of approval by the Secretary of the Treasury, shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State with an impression thereof, which Cmmcam shall thereupon become the seal of office of the comptroller of the our- &c_,md,,, seg, to rency, and the same may be renewed when necessary. Every certificate, bereccivca in assignment, and conveyance executed by the comptroller, in pursuance °"‘d°“°°· of any authority conferred on him by law, and sealed with his seal of ofiice, shall be received in evidence in all places and courts whatsoever; and all copies of papers in the office of the comptroller, certified by him and authenticated by the said seal, shall in all cases be evidence equally Imprmnmrmry and in like manner as the original. An impression of such seal directly l>¤ 0** P¤P°l'· on the paper shall be as valid as if made on wax or wafer. Room; lp Treas- Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That there shall be assigned to the {]3'c2:il‘l‘“g f" comptroller of the currency by the Secretary of the Treasury suitable rooms in the treasury building for conducting the business of the our- F,,,,.P,.,,,t·,.,,,,l,,,_ rency bureau, in which shall be safe and secure fire-proof vaults, in which it shall be the duty of the comptroller to deposit and safely keep all the plates and other valuable things belonging to his department; and the comptroller shall from time to time furnish the necessary furniture, stationery, fuel, lights, and other proper conveniences for the transaction of the said business. Munnés smog Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the term “United States

" tv mean bonds," as used in this act, shall be construed to mean all coupon and

‘ registered bonds now issued or that may hereafter be issued on the faith pf the United States by the Secretary of the '1‘reasury in pursuance of aw. 'B,,,,k;,,g m0_ Ssc._5. And be it further enacted, That associations for carrying on pgpplgpls, how the business of banking may be formed by any number of persons, not ‘ less in any case than five. Certificate to Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That persons uniting to form such

  • l’°“'fJ' “'h°*· ap associapon shall, under their hands and seals, make a certificate which

s a speci y- First. The name assumed by such association. Second. The place where its operations of discount and deposite are to be carried on; designating the State, Territory, or district, and also the particular city, town, or village.