Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/663

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THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 4, 5, 6. 1863. 633 shall, for that cause, be deemed invalid and of no effect: Provided, That no instrument, document, writing, or paper, required by law to be stamped, Instruments, signed, or issued, without being duly stamped prior to the day aforesaid, $25 *;*83,;*:ncu or any copy thereof, shall be admitted or used as evidence in any court um; ,mmp.,d_ until a legal stamp or stamps, denoting the amount of duty charged thereon, shall have been aihxed thereto, or used thereon, and the initials of the person using or aflixing the same, together with the date when the same is so used or aiiixed, shall have been placed thereon by such person. And the person desiring to use any such instrument, document, writing, WM may or paper, as evidence, or his agent or attorney, is authorized in the pres- amx mm? ence of the court to stamp the same as hereinbefore provided. And sec- Repeal <>f tion twenty-four of an act entitled "An act increasing, temporarily, the  ;’g31g6gg,_ duties on imports, and for other purposes," approved July fourteen, Anno ,4mg,’p, 560. Domini, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, is hereby repealed. Approved, December 25, 1862. Cnnr. V.——An Act to jacilitate the Discharge of disabled Soldiers _/romthe Army, and Dm 27, 1g5g_ the Inspection of convalescent Camps and Hospitals. ·—···m—· Be it enacted by the Senate and .House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there shall be added to Eight medical the present medical corps of the army eight medical inspectors, who shall, ;‘;5,P:§t;’;St{l‘;b° immediately after the passage of this act, be appointed by the President, medical ccypg by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, without regard to their of the ¤¤¤Y· rank when so selected, but with sole regard to qualifications, and who Selection, rank, shall have the rank, pay, and emoluments now authorized by law to ofH— PW &°· cers of that grade. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the officers of the medical in- Additional spector’s department shall be charged, in addition to the duties now as- :“g;;;“g’(;i“;i signed to them by existing laws, with the duty of making regular and ;,Epmm·S_ frequent inspections of all military general hospitals and convalescent camps, and shall, upon each such inspection, designate to the surgeon in charge of such hospitals or camps, all soldiers who may be, in their opinion, fit subjects for discharge from the service, on surgeon’s certificate of disability, or sufficiently recovered to be returned to their regiments for duty, and shall see that such soldiers are discharged or so returned. And the medical inspecting officers are hereby empowered, under such regu- _Inspectors may lations as may be hereafter established, to direct the return to duty, or §;m;S$‘g°"S*° . . . . uty, the discharge from service, as the case may be, of all soldiers designated or may d,sch,,,g,, by them. them- Approved, December 27, 1862. Crum. VI. — An Act for the Admission oft/ua State of “West Virginia " into the Union, DEC- 31, 1862. and for other Purposes. —W Whereas the people inhabiting that portion of Virginia known as West Wm Vi*‘€i¤i°· Virginia did, by a Convention assembled in the city of Wheeling on the P"“’“b1°‘ twenty-sixth of November, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, frame for themselves a Constitution with a view of becoming a separate and inde- . pendent State; and whereas at a general election held in the counties composing the territory aforesaid on the third day of May last, the said Constitution was approved and adopted by the qualified voters of the proposed State; and whereas the Legislature of Virginia, by an act passed on the thirteenth day of May, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, did give its consent to the formation of a new State within the jurisdiction of the said State of Virginia, to be known by the name of West Virginia, and to embrace the following named counties, to wit : Hancock, C<>¤¤£<=¤ gmt; Brooke, Ohio, Marshall, Wetzel, Marion, Monongalia, Preston, Taylor, p°s'°g ° m Tyler, Pleasants, Ritchie, Doddridge, Harrison, Wood, Jackson, Wirt, vox,. x11. Pun. - 80