Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/658

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628 THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Rus. 66, 67, 68, 69. 1862. one thousand dollars in each case, and one-fourth of one per centum on the excess above that sum, not, however, to exceed two hundred and fifty dollars in any case. Approved, July 17, 1862. . .rdsaemq to the Heirs www o Robert L. Stevens, deceased,

 [N0 63 égwmand Interest of the United   and to ¤SZcvcns’   an
 Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United

my ¤‘¤\¤¤¤¤¢i¤¤ States of America in Congress assembled, That all the right, title, aud }f'§gv§fs°" interest of the United States, in and to Stevens' Battery be, and the same are hereby, released and conveyed to the heirs at law of the said Robert L. Stevens or their legal representatives. Approved, July 17, 1862. July 17, 1862. [No. 67.] A Resalutwn to repeal and mod;)‘y Sections two and three of an Act entitled —··—··—· ··A¤ Acc eo mk che Htks m certain Lands sez apmfor me Use of eenain Haljlbmsd Kansas Indians in Kansas Terrztmy," a oved May twenty-six, ezghtecn hundred and sirly,andtorepealpartofsecl¢bnm1eof1ls}:z'idAct. Resolved ly the Senate and House of Representatives of the United °f1§§%‘f)“l°'{ of Suues of America in Congress assembkd, That sections two and three of 99 2,8,imd part an act entitled "An act to settle the titles to certain lands set apart for

    • 91- the use of certain Haliibreed Kansas Indians in Kansas Territory," ap-

Am’p' 2L proved May twenty-six, one thousand eight hundred and sixty, and so much of the first section as authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to decide what persons are heirs to deceased reservees as mentioned therein be and the same are hereby, repealed. Approved, July 17, 1862. July 17, 1862. [N0. 68.] hint Resolution further to provide/br the Oompematnbn of Members of Oonyrus. Resolved ky the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Active employ- States of America in Congress assembled, That, until the further order ¤¤°¤F*¤ of Congress, the Secretary of the Senate and the Sergeant-at-arms of the g?;? excuse go, House are directed to receive, as s. valid excuse for absence from duty absence from du- in Congress, active employment in military service for the suppression W m C°“g'°"' of the rebellion without pay. Withdrawal Sec. 2. And be it further resolved, That when any senator or reprefrom seatin sa- sentative shall hereafter withdraw from his seat in anticipation of the $i¤iP¤*i<>¤ °*;:d· adjournment of Congress and before the adjournment and does not return, {,?1¥'Q;';°,T,;’mbB, he shall, in addition to the sum now deducted for each day, forfeit a to deduction. further sum equal to the mileage now allowed bylaw for his return home, and it shall be deducted from his compensation, unless where said withdrawal is with the leave of the Senate or House of Representatives re— spectively. A1>1>B0vm>, July 17, 1862. No. 69. oint ution’ ' ML M- [ t. ,,.8 dined $5::*:.* pmwm$£aMeW#**¤ ’"2$:Z,,‘; $i’:`.%°‘;;"£.—£;"';;;—f,",}“.1‘..“" sand Dollars, orao much thereof as mq1y be necessary, for the Benqyit of aaid ndzans. _ Resolved by the Senate and House q" Representatives of the United 1, E¤P°¤d!*'“‘° States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Inor the W111ne· . . . . bw, Indian, terror he, and he is hereby, authorized to expend, from a. fund 1D the authorized- treasury of the United States belonging to the Winnebago Indians, the sum of fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to make such improvements upon their lands and purchase such stock and agricultural implements as their necessities may require, and that the amount so expended shall be replaced from the proceeds of the sales