Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/646

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616 THIRTY-SEVENT}I CONGRESS. Sess. II. RES. 20, 21, 22, 23. 1862. of February, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, be amended in its sixth and thirteenth sections, so that when a. witness refuses or is unwilling to testify, under the provisions of the said act, the proceedings to compel his testimony may be at the suggestion of either party, instead of at the suggestion of any claimant, as is provided in the said act. APPROVED, March 15, 1862. M,,,ch]511862_ [No. 20.] A Resolution providing for zhefégstody of l/ae Letter and Ggfis jrom the King -———-—~ o tam. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Letter Mid gifts States zy" America in Congress assembled, That the letter from His Majesty gw2h" Kmg °f the Major King of Siam to the President of the United States and the ` accompanying gifts, be deposited in the collection of curiosities at the Department of the Interior. Approved, March 15, 1862. N . 21. Joint Resolution aut/rorizin the Secreta 0 the Na to in tire into the Causes

 [ q?`the ldzilura of certain Gmtracls fdr Steam Maculiivgry, and zig remi;pPenaltics connected

ttcrewzlt. Be it resolved by the Senate and Muse of Representatives of the United Penalties for States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Navy f¤il¤’° *° *}€l**’°*' be, and he hereby is, authorized and empowered to inquire into the cir-

 cumstances attending the failure of certain contractors for building steam

machinery, to deliver the same within the time specided in their several contracts; and to remit the whole of the penalties for such failure, or a part thereof, as to him may seem just and equitable. APPROVED, March 17, 1862. h 19 1 . N0. 22. A Resolution tc authorize the Secmtary 0 War to t M s appropnd

 [ lg; any ]State jbr the Payment of its Volunteers, anéto apply mm errcglirccled by such

Yale. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Appropriations States ¢y" America in Congress assembled, That if any State during the

;: present rebellion shall make any appropriation to pay the volunteers of

plied_that State, the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to accept the same, and cause it to be applied by the paymaster-general to the payments designated by the legislative act making the appropriation, in the same manner as if appropriated by act of Congress; and also to make any regulations that may be necessary for the disbursement and proper application of such funds to the specific purpose for which they may be appropriated by the several States. APPROVED, March 19, 1862. March 19, 1862- No. 23. A Resolution sive 0 the Thanks o C' ess la Cir tain A. IZ F , o _"”"“"""" [ tig: tlgtlled States Navyfzgridsw thefO_§E'cers and Léencdiidcr his Command in the EM; 01 G. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Zhiiea Tlignksto Ow- States of America in Congress assembled, That the thanks of Congress

:3,"'{l:;‘: und of the American people are due, and are hereby tendered, to Captain

of the western A. II. Foote, of the United States navy, and to the officers and men of ‘*°“"“· the western fiotilla under his command, for the great gallantry exhibited by them in the attacks upon Forts Henry and Donaldson, for their efficiency in opening the Tennessee, Cumberland, and Mississippi rivers to the pursuits of lawful commerce, and for their unwavering devotion to the cause of the country in the midst of the greatest difficulties and dangers. AP1’ROVED, March 19, 1862.