Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/633

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THIR'l`Y—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 204. 1862. 603 Eleventh. Or shall, when rated or acting as master-at—arms, refuse to ¥4st°*'·¤*"*’m* receive such prisoners as shall be committed to his charge, or having re- ziilzlggisgzelsi ceived them shall suffer them to escape, or dismiss them without orders from the proper authority; Twewh. Or shall, when attached to any ship or vessel appointed as Failing to do convoy to merchant or other vessels, fail diligently to perform his duty, or duly as °°""°Y· shall demand or exact any compensation for his services, or shall maltreat the officers or crews of such merchant or other vessels; Thirteenth. Or shall take, receive, orlpermit to be received on board Receiving goods the vessel to which he is attached any goods or merchandise for freight, grgibgd f" sale, or traffic, except gold, silver, or jewels, for freight or safe-keeping, g ` or shall demand or receive any compensation for the receipt or transportation of any other article than gold, silver, or jewels, without authority from the President of the United States or the Secretary of the Navy; Fourteenth. Or shall violate or refuse obedience to any lawful general Disobgdigncg [0 order or regulation issued by the Secretary of the Navy. semml <>¤‘<l°*S- ARTICLE 8. All offences committed by persons belonging to the navy, Other offences which are not specified in the foregoing articles, shall be punished as “°° °““"‘°"““’d‘ a court-martial shall direct; but in no case shall punishment by flogging be indicted, nor shall any court-martial adjudge punishment by flogging. ARTIGLE 9. All offences committed by persons belonging to the navy, .g‘l°§"°°S i°m· while on shore, shall be punished in the same manner as if they had been ml e °n S m` committed at sea. ARTICLE l0. No commander of a vessel of the navy shall inflict any Punishments a other punishment upon a commissioned or warrant officer than private °°‘“'““"d"".°f a . . . . vessel may inreprimand, suspension from duty, arrest or confinement, neither of which am, shall continue longer than ten days, except a further period be necessary to bring the offender to a court-martial; nor shall he inflict, or cause or pungshmems for permit to be indicted upon any petty officer or person of inferior rating, $i¤sl¢ <>H’<>¤¤¢S· or marine, any punishment for a single offence or at any one time other than one of the following punishments, viz : Erst. Reduction of any rating established by himself. Dismting. Second. Confinement with or without irons, single or double, such con- Consnement. finement not to exceed ten days, unless necessary in the case of a prisoner to be tried by court·martial. Third. Solitary confinement on bread and water not exceeding five days. Fourth. Solitary confinement not exceeding seven days. Myth. Deprivation of liberty on shore. _ Deprivation of Sixth. Extra duties. l‘b,‘Q"‘Y °‘;,“lT°’° No other punishment shall be permitted on board of vessels belonging g§,:;$,,,,l§l°S' to the navy, except by sentence of a general or summary court-martial. coui-ts-nnntial. Summary courts-martial may disrate any rated person for incompetency. P _ I All punishments mflictcd by the commander, or by his order, except repri- to mands, shall be fully entered upon the ship’s log. Ship’S ;0g_ ARTICLE 11. G<·1H6l‘2Ll COUl‘tS-m€ll‘llHl may be convened as Oftéll 3S lllé General courts- President of the United States, the Secretary of the Navy, or commander- ¤¤¤"%*l» ****6** in-chief of a fleet or a squadron shall deem it necessary : Provided, That in sum` the waters of the United States no commander-in-chief of a fieet or squad- Proviso. ron shall convene a general court-martial unless by express authority from the President of the United States: Provided, also, That no general court- Ot whom to martial shall consist of more than thirteen nor less than five commissioned °°”““· officers as members; and as many officers shall be summoned on every such court as can be convened without injury to the service, so as not to exceed thirteen; and the senior officer shall always preside, the others _Wb<>t0 pr¤~ taking place according to their rank; and in no case where it can be mg` avoided without injury to the service shall more than one—half' the members, exclusive of the president, be junior to the officer to be tried. ARTICLE 12. The president of the court is authorized and required to