Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/6

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School Lands in Township, &c. An act for the relief of congressional township number two, north, of range number nine, west, of the fourth principal Meridian, in Adams county, State of Illinois. June 16, 1860, ch. 143 44
Payment to Missionary Society for Release of Land Claim, &c., in Oregon. An act for the relief of the Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church. June 16, 1860, ch. 144 44
Indian Appropriations. An act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian Department, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes, for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one. June 19, 1860, ch. 157 44
Divorces in the District of Columbia. An act to authorize divorces In the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. June 19, 1860, ch. 158 59
Light-Houses, &c., Appropriation. An act making appropriations for light-houses, beacons, buoys, &c. June 20, 1860, ch. 162 61
Army Appropriation. An act making appropriations for the support of the army for the year ending the thirtieth of June eighteen hundred and sixty-one. June 21, 1880, ch. 163 64
Voluntary Escapes by United States Marshals, &c. An act providing for the punishment of marshals and deputy marshals of the United States, or other ministerial officers, for permitting the escape of prisoners in their custody. June 21, 1860, ch. 164 69
Mail Service from California to Washington Territory. An act to establish a mail six times a week from Sacramento, in California, to Olympia, in the Territory of Washington. June 21, 1860, ch. 165 69
Entries of Land by certain Mail Contractors confirmed, &c. An act confirming certain land entries under the third [proviso to the first] section of the act of third March eighteen hundred and fifty-five, entitled "An act making appropriations for the service of the Post-Office Department during the fiscal year ending the thirtieth of June eighteen hundred and fifty-six. June 21, 1860, ch. 166 70
Private Land Claims in New Mexico. An act to confirm certain private land claims in the Territory of New Mexico. June 21, 1860, ch. 167 71
Judicial Functions of Ministers and Consuls of the United States in certain Foreign Countries. An act to carry into effect provisions of the Treaties between the United States, China, Japan, Siam, Persia, and other countries, giving certain judicial powers to Ministers and Consuls, or other functionaries of the United States in those countries, and for other purposes. June 22, 1860, ch. 179 72
Loan and Treasury Notes. An act authorizing a loan and providing for the redemption of Treasury Notes. June 22, 1860, ch. 180 79
Naval Appropriation. An act making appropriations for the naval service for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-one. June 22, 1884, ch. 181 80
Grant to Port Huron for a Cemetery. An act to grant to the City of Port Huron, Michigan, a part of the military reservation of Fort Gratiot for the enlargement of the city cemetery at that place. June 22, 1860, ch. 182 83
Virginia Land Warrants. An act to declare the meaning of the act entitled, "An act making further provisions for the satisfaction of Virginia land warrants," passed August thirty-one, eighteen hundred and fifty-two. June 22, 1860, ch. 188 84
Authentication of Papers to be used in Evidence in Extradition Cases. An act to amend an act entitled "An act for giving effect to certain treaty stipulations between this and foreign governments for the apprehension and delivery up of certain offenders." June 22, 1860, ch. 184 84
School Lands may be selected in lieu of those lost. An act for the relief of congressional township number six, south, of range number eight, west, in Randolph county, State of Illinois. June 22, 1860, ch. 185 84
Terms of District Court in Oregon. and Salary of Judge. An act to amend "An act [to provide] for extending the laws and judicial system of the United States to the State of Oregon, and for other purposes." June 22, 1860, ch. 186 85
Terms of District Court in Florida. An act to change the time for holding the courts in the northern district of Florida. June 22, 1860, ch. 187 85
Settlement of Private Land Claims in Florida, Louisiana, and Missouri. An act for the final adjustment of private land claims in the States of Florida, Louisiana, and Missouri, and for other purposes. June 22, 1860, ch. 188 85
Missionary Claims to be confirmed as those of Individuals. An act in relation to mission claims at Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. June 22, 1860, ch. 189 88