Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/539

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THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 133. 1862. 509 class: Provided, That the pay, rations, and clothing now authorized YW, &°·» ¤<>* by lawdto the respective grades of enlisted ordnance men shall not be t° b° °h”g°d' change . Sec. 4. And be it fm-ther enacted, That in all cases where recruiting Pjaymentto reotiicers have in good faith paid the two dollars for bringing accepted re- m§m€sm°°” cruits to the rendezvous, before receiving notice of the repeal of the regu- I latipn allovignglpherrsame, tht;) accounts of such officers shall be allowed in sett ement y the reasury epartment. Src. 5. And be it further enacted, That there shall be added to the Additional clerical force of the Surgeon-Generals office one clerk of class one and gS;`,k;;:_3;H;if’f one clerk of class two; and there shall be added to the clerical force of a1;g n the Paymaster-General’s office twenty clerks of class two and twenty of Paymastei-· clerks of class one; and there shall be added to the clerical and other G°“°"’li_ force of the Adjutant-Generals office four clerks of class two, six clerks G:,f"f,‘l·l“““f of class one, and ten other clerks, at a monthly compensation of sixty dol- ’ lars each; and the Adjutant-General may detail ten more non-commis- non-commissioned officers of the army as clerks in his office; and the sum of fifty- "°“°d °m°°”‘ one thousand two hundred dollars is hereby appropriated, out of any APP’°P'l°°l°¤· mloniy tlhe tpeasuryl; not gtherwise appropriated, to pay the salaries of te cer s ere y aut. orize . Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That section five of the act " to $25 of the authorize the employment of volunteers to nid in enforcing the laws and €’:‘{";°Yai‘:,ft(‘?;(;?· protecting public property," approved July twenty-second, eighteen hun- untegg arm- endred and sixty-one, and section five of the act " to increase the present li¤¤¤¤<¢¤t· military establishment of the United States," approved July twenty-nine, 18611 °h· 9· § 5- eighteen hundred and sixty·0ne, shall be so construed as to allow twenty- _,}8j”· chéggtggg tive dollars of the bounty of one hundred dollars therein provided to`be M’PP` ’ ` paid immediately after enlistment to every soldier of the regular and volunteer forces hereafter enlisted during the continuance of the existing war, and the sum of seven millions five hundred thousand dollars is hereby APP*°Pfl=**i°¤- appropriated for such payment. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That all the aides-de-camp ap- Certain aidespointed by authority of the act approved fifth August, eighteen hundred gg;?:;l:u{°,0be and sixty-one, entitled "An act supplementary to an act entitled an act to Senate for conincrease the present military establishment of the United States," approved ¤°'}g6§*°·h 24 July twenty-nine, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, shall be nominated to 1861:2,,; 47: the Senate for its advice and consent. Ame, p. 314. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United Milli",? $*0** States be, and he hereby is authorized, by and with the consent of the iii2z5c;; Q33f Senate, to appoint as many military storekeepers in the Quartermastexfs partment. Department of the army as the exigencies of the service may require; _ _ pgpvided the whole number of military storekeepers in that department b;:'m'° t° m""' s ll not exceed twelve. Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That the following sums be, and Appropriatibn the same are hereby, in like manner, appropriated out of any money in ?;ng';°5' lgggug the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the service of the year end- ° ing the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-two: h For the construction and maintenance of the gunboat iieet proper, four Guuboats. undred thousand dollars. For purchasing, construction, and maintenance of steam rams, four Steam mma hundred thousand dollars. For pay of private physicians, purchase and repair of surgical instru- _Private physiments, purchase of extra hospital bedding, clothing, ice, and other neces- f;l‘;;;;;g‘°gc_ sary comforts for the sick and convalescing in the various military hospi- ' tals, one hundredland twenty-five thousand dollars. ` For compensation of chaplains of hospitals, from the date of the com- Cnaplains ot mencement of their service to the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and h°Sl’"°‘l°‘ sixty-two, twelve thousand dollars. Omcc 0; pay, For the contingent expenses of the Paymaster-Genernl’s office for the nmstwcsneral.