Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/434

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404 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 80, 81. 1862. Medical store- be authorized to add to the medical department of the army medical l‘°‘§”” "“°h°" storekeepers, not exceeding six in number, who shall have the pay and mp; bond 8,, emoluments of military storekeepers in the quartermastefsldepartmem, y° °who shall be skilled apothecaries or druggists, who shall give the bond and security required by existing laws for military storekeepers m the quartermaster’s department, and who shall be stationed at such points as the necessities of the army may require: fromdcd, That the mAct, gpwlong provisions of this) apt shall remain in force only during the continuance °°“ “°‘ of the resent re el ion. 0l¤¤1>l¤i¤ *`<>¤‘ Sso.p2. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United p?;F‘°"°"t h°s` States is hereby authorized to appoint, if he shall deem it necessary, a P1 · chaplain for each permanent hospital, whose pay, with that of chaplains P°Y’&°' of hospitals heretofore appointed by him, shall be the same as that of PMP-595· regimental chaplains in the volunteer force; and who shall be subject to such rules in relation to leave of absence from duty as are prescribed for commissioned officers of the army. Approved, May 20, 1862. , XXXI.- to an Act a roved on the thirteenth Jul

 Clzilqlltteerd hundred grid ézgzityilfgl  "A.n Act topljprovide jbr the Collection J

E3; chgés Duties on Imports, and for other purposes." ’P. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Clearance, may States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the be refused wires- Treasury, in addition to the powers conferred upon him by the act of the ’°1“•";&‘°‘ thirteenth July, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, be, and he is hereby, authorized to refuse a clearance to any vessel or other vehicle laden with goods, wares, or merchandise, destined for a foreign or domestic port, whenever he shall have satisfactory reason to believe that such goods, wares, or merchandise, or any part thereof, whatever may be their ostensible destination, are intended for ports or places in possession or under control of in- Vemls de m_ surgents against the United States ; and if any vessel or other vehicle for lng, &e., widiout which a clearance or permit shall have been refused by the Secretary of ¤l¤¤\(¤¤<>° W lm the Treasury, or by his order, as aforesaid, shall depart or attempt to f°rf°"’°d' depart for a foreign or domestic port without being duly cleared or permitted, such vessel or other vehicle, with her tackle, apparel, furniture, and cargo, shall be forfeited to the United States. Upon granting Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That whenever a permit or clear— ¢l¤¤'¤¤°°» °°P°·°· ance is granted for either a foreign or domestic port, it shall be lawful for ¥,°:,,g]_°y r°q°"° °' the collector of the customs granting the same, if he shall deem it necessary, under the circumstances of the case, to require a bond to be exe- Condition of cuter] by the master or the owner of the vessel, in a penalty equal to the b°¤d· value of the cargo, and with sureties to the satisfaction of such collector, that the said cargo shall be 'delivered at the destination for which it is cleared or permitted, and that no part thereof shall. be used in affording aid ofr eompprt to agiy person or parties in insurrection against the authority 0 tie nited tates. fT;—:rn;p:¤¤°tl)<:1¤; Sec. 3. _.And be it further enacted That the Secretary of the Treasury & be pmhimed be and lielis hereby further empowered to prohibit and prevent the transnnd prevented. portation in any vessel, or upon any railroad, turnpike, or other road or means of transportation within the United States, of any goods, wares, or merchandise of whatever character, and whatever may be the ostensible destination of the same, in all cases where there shall be satisfactory reasons to believe that such goods, wares, or merchandise are intended for any place in the possession or under the control of insurgents against the United States; or that there is imminent danger that such goods, wares, or merchandise will fall into the possession or under the control of such insurgents; and he is further authorized, in all cases where he shall deem it expedient so to do, to require reasonable security to be given that goods, wares, or merchandise shall not be transported to any place un-