Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/41

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l g THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 10, 11, 13, 27. 1860. 11 “ clear, fence, and break up 2. sufficient quantity of land for cultivation, to be expended under the direction of the President, per sixth article treaty twenty-sixth January, eighteen hundred and fifty-tive, six thousand dollars. For first of twenty instalments for the establishment and support of au agricultural and industrial school, and for the pay of suitable teachers, per eleventh article treaty twenty-sixth January, eighteen hundred and nity- live, two thousand five hundred dollars. For Erst of twenty instalments for the employment of a blacksmith, g; carpenter, farmer, and zi physician who shall furnish medicines for the sick, per eleventh article treaty twenty-sixth January, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three thousand dollars. i For first of twenty instalments for a smith and carpenter’s shop, and to i provide the necessary tools, per eleventh article treaty twenty-sixth E January, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, two thousand five hundred dollars. g APPROVED, March 29, 1860. i 3 Crm?. XI.-An Ac: authorizing Publishers to print on their Papers the Date when Ap;-3] 8, 1860, Subscriptions expire, and inRdation to the Postage on drop Letters. Y

  • Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United

States of America in Congress assembled, That the second clause of Ao:. of 1852, . section third of the act of thirtieth August, eighteen hundred and fifty- gh- gskgxzxéggg: two, establishing the rates of postage on printed matter, is hereby so Egdpfn Pm i modified as to read as follows, namely: i Second: There shall be 110 word or communication printed on the Date of expii same after its publication, or upon the cover or wrapper thereof, nor any 2*:; i writing nor mark upon it, nor upon the cover or wrapper thereof, except be {mm 0,,},,.

 the name, the date when the subscription expires, and the address of the new _
 person to whom it is to be sent. 70,_P°’t’ pp' 70*

[5 Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That on all drop letters delivered Postage on

 within the limits of any city or town by carriers, under the authority of drop letters de-

! the Post Office Department, one cent each shall be charged for the b? °"'

 receipt and delivery of said letters, and no more. Q,,,, p_ .m5_
 APr1z0v1m, April 3, 1860.
 Cm?. XIII.—An Act in Relation to tigmiteturn of unddivered Letters in the Post- Apr;] 5,1354;
 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United §6i=5;o;if;i1i¢ie.

’ States of America in Congress assembled, That when any person shall Certain uncnll-

indorse on any letter his or her name and place of residence, as writer f£J°,f°l`€;

, thereof, the same after remaining uncalled for at the office to which it is tc {hm W,-gw-S, , directed thirty days, or the time the writer may direct, shall be returned ’ by mail to said writer; and no such letters shall be advertised, nor shall Such letters i the same be treated as dead letters, until so returned to the post-oliice of {'£;dmK?;_1‘::;d E the writer and there remninfingj uncalled for one quarter. as déad letters i Approved, April 6, 1860. ¤¤*·¤, &<=- F . l'l .— th 'I n .12 ·

 Cnnr \`{VII An Act tzcsgtgees gk T (5 29;; gd?/Ow the Boundary Lz e between Apu, 18_ 18W_
 Be it enacted  t/ie Senate and House of Representatives of the United

[ States of America in Congress assembled, That whenever the dividing Claims to oer— line between the States of Georgia and Florida shall have been Enally **;*1 :)***62 x¤‘¤{¤¤·

 surveyed, approved, ratified, and confirmed, as the boundary between imchy m,,°;°$:{

{ those States, the Secretary of the Interior shall be and is hereby, in Florida, to be , authorized to adjudicate upon principles of equity and justice, all claims, §z°é‘5"m°d "’h°“• = under sales or grants by the State of Georgia., to lands which may fall. `