Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/201

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THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 58. 1861. lil d0;`;;` expenses of intercourse with the Barbary Powers, three thousand &¤Barbary Pow~ For expenses of the consulates in the Turkish dominions, namely, inter- Turkish conreters, guards, and other expenses of the consulates at Constantinople, ********8- Smyrna, Candia, Alexandria, and Beirut, two thousand five hundred dol· [ars. For the relief and protection of American seamen in foreign countries, gener, gw, of two hundred thousand dollars. ¤¢¤¤¤=¤· For expenses which may be incurred in acknowledging the services of the masters and crews of foreign vessels in rescuing citizens of the United States from shipwreck, ten thousand dollars. For the purchase of blank books, stationery, arms of the United States, Bunk books, seals, presses, Hugs, and for the payment of postages and miscellaneous &°· expenses of the consuls of the United States, thirty thousand dollars. For office rent. for those consuls-general, consuls, and commercial agents Omce-mnt of who are not allowed to trade, including loss by exchange thereon, twenty- §;’“*“l$‘€"”“’“l= seven thousand three hundred and seventy dollms. °` For salaries of consuls-general at Quebec, Calcutta, Alexandria, Ha- ssmaesoews. vane, Constantinople, Frankfort-on-the-lliain; consuls at Kanagawa and S¤lS·€°¤‘**‘*·l wd Nagasaki in Japan, Liverpool, London, Melbourne, Hong Kong, Glasgow, °°°S°kL Mauritius, Singapore, Belfast, Cork, Dundee, Dernarara, Halifax, Kingston, (Jamaica,) Leeds, Manchester, Nassau, (New Providence;) Southampton, Turk’s Island, Prince Edwards Island, Havre, Paris, Marseilles, Bordeaux, La Rochelle, Lyons, Moscow, Odessa, Revel, St. Petersburgh, Mantansas, Trinidad de Cuba, Santiago de Cuba, San J nan, (Porto Rico,) Cadiz, Malaga, Ponu, (Porto Rico,) Trieste, Vienna, Aix-la·Chapelle, Canton, Shanghae,Fouchou, Amoy, Ningpo, Beirut, Smyrna, Jerusalem, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Funchal, Oporto, St. Thomas, Elsineur, Genoa, Basle, Geneva, Messina, Naples, Palermo, Leipsic, Munich, Leghorn, Stuttgardt, Bremen, Hamburg, Tangiers, Tripoli, Tunis, Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco, Vera Cruz, Acapulco, Callao, Valparaiso, Buenos Ayres, San Juan del Sur, Aspinwall, Panama, Laguayra, Honolulu, Lahaina, Cape-Town, Falkland Islands, Venice, Stettin, Candia, Cyprus, Batavia, Fayal, Santiago, (Cape de Verdes,) Saint Croix, Spezzia, Athens, Zanzibar, Bahia, Maranham Island, Para, Rio Grande, Matamoras, Mexico, (city,) Tampico, Paso del Norte, Tabasco, Paita, Tumbez, Talcahuano, Carthagena, Sahanillo, Omoa, Guyaquil, Cobija, Montevideo, Tahita, Bay of Islands, Apia, Lanthala; commercial agents at San Juan del Norte, Port au Prince, San Domingo, (city,) St. Paul de Loando, (Angola,) Monrovia, Gaboon, Cape Haytien, Aux Cayes, and Amoor river, two hundred and serenty-four thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; and the office of cousuhgeneral at Simoda is hereby abolished. Omm 0; com And the salaries of the consuls at Kanagawa and Nagasaki, in Japan, s¤1—ge¤eralatSiasu be mes thousand dollars em. me ¤*>·>*·S*=°¤- For expenses incurred, under instructions from the Secretary of State, cbgfrsguaith in bringing home from foreign countries persons charged with crime, and c,,,,,? expenses incident thereto, ten thousand dollars. For interpreters to the consulates in China, four thousand five hundred tuterprctem in aunt-s "‘"“** For salaries of the marshals for the consular courts in Japan, China, hiarshalsin Siam, and Turkey, seven thousand dollars. Chim For rent of prisons for American convicts in Japan, China, Siam, and Prison! i¤ J¤· Turkey, and for wages of the keepers of the same, nine thousand eight pam &°‘ hundred dollars. To enable the Secretary of State to have prepared and transmitted to l;>i¤¤g¤*l€¤ °Y the executives of the several States having boundaries with foreign ur u mm' States a competent number of authentic copies of the settlement of such boundaries, and the maps arid charts relating thereto, and the evidence thereof in the State Department, ten thousand dollars.