Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1160

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1108 TREATY WITH THE SWAN CREEK, &o. INDIANS. JULY 16, 1859. per annum; and said interest, as it becomes due, shall be applied, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, from time to time, for edncational purposes, for the support of a blacksmith shop, and such other beneficial objects as he may adjudge to be necessary and expedient for the general prosperity and advancement of the aforesaid bands of Indians in the arts of civilized life. R°“P¤¤i¤h¤°¤¤ ARTICLE IV. In consideration of the provisions contained in the several ggs by d" articles of this treaty, the aforesaid band of Swan Creek and Black River Chippewas hereby relinquish all claims and demands which they may have against the United States, under the stipulations of the treaty of November 17, 1807, and the treaty of May 9, 1836; and they hereby abandon and renounce any and all claims to participate in the provisions of the subsequent treaty of August 2, 1855, and they receive the stipulations and provisions contained in these articles of agreement and conven- -tion, in full satisfaction of the terms and conditions of all former treaties, and release the United States from the payment of all claims of every character whatsoever. m13M °f"°Y· A.n·r1cLE V. It is agreed that all roads and highways, laid out by authority of law, shall have right of way through the lands within the reservation hereinbefore specified, on the same terms as are provided by law, when roads and highways are made through lands of citizens of the United States; and railroad companies, when the lines of their roads necessarily pass through the lands of said Indians, shall have right of way on the payment of just compensation therefor in money. Whentbis ARTICLE VI. This instrument shall be obligatory on the contracting E °‘*°’ pmties whenever the same shall be ratified by the President and the Senate of the United States. Sigqgtugg, In testimony whereof, the said David Crawford, commissioner as aforesaid, and the undersigned delegates of the united bands of Swan Creek and Black River Chippewas, and the Munsee or Christian Indians, have hereunto set their hands and seals, at the place and on the day and year hereinbefore written. DAVID CRAWFORD, United States Cbmmisaioner. 1.. s. ESH-TON-QUIT, or Fanrcxs McCo0ns1·: his xmark. r.. si EDWARD McCOONSE, his x mark. 1.. s.] WILLIAM TURNER, L. s.] ANTWINE GOKEY, his x mark. L. s. HENRY DONOHOE, L. s. IGNATIUS CALEB, his x mark. 1.. s. JOHN WILLIAMS. EL. s. Signed and sealed in the presence of -- Hucu S. Wsnszz, Secretary of Kansas Territmy. Pmuzr Forma, (I S. Agent. Cmns F. Cnmtmn. Taos. J. Comsoma, IZ Si lhtewpreter.,.¤,,,, And whereas, the said treaty having been submitted to the Senate of $91* 19.1860. the United States, for its constitutional action thereon, the Senate did, on the nineteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixty, advise and consent to the ratification of the same, by a resolution in the words and figures following, to wit: “IN Exrcurivn Ssssrorz, “ SENATE OF Tm: Uurran Scuxrns, April 19, 1860. “Res0Zved, (two thirds of the senators present concur .ng,) That the Senate advise and consent to the ratification of the articles of agreement and convention made and concluded at the Sac and Fox Agency, on the 16th day of July, 1859, by David Crawford, commissioner on the part of