Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 118.djvu/845

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118 STAT. 815 PUBLIC LAW 108–271—JULY 7, 2004 ‘‘(1) for a system to appraise the performance of officers and employees of the General Accounting Office that meets the requirements of section 4302 of title 5 and in addition includes— ‘‘(A) a link between the performance management system and the agency’s strategic plan; ‘‘(B) adequate training and retraining for supervisors, managers, and employees in the implementation and oper ation of the performance management system; ‘‘(C) a process for ensuring ongoing performance feed back and dialogue between supervisors, managers, and employees throughout the appraisal period and setting timetables for review; ‘‘(D) effective transparency and accountability meas ures to ensure that the management of the system is fair, credible, and equitable, including appropriate inde pendent reasonableness, reviews, internal assessments, and employee surveys; and ‘‘(E) a means to ensure that adequate agency resources are allocated for the design, implementation, and adminis tration of the performance management system;’’. SEC. 10. CONSULTATION. Before the implementation of any changes authorized under this Act, the Comptroller General shall consult with any interested groups or associations representing officers and employees of the General Accounting Office. SEC. 11. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. (a) ANNUAL REPORTS.—The Comptroller General shall include— (1) in each report submitted to Congress under section 719(a) of title 31, United States Code, during the 5 year period beginning on the date of enactment of this Act, a summary review of all actions taken under sections 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, and 10 of this Act during the period covered by such report, including— (A) the respective numbers of officers and employees— (i) separating from the service under section 2 of this Act; (ii) receiving pay retention under section 4 of this Act; (iii) receiving increased annual leave under section 6 of this Act; and (iv) engaging in the executive exchange program under section 7 of this Act, as well as the number of private sector employees participating in such pro gram and a review of the general nature of the work performed by the individuals participating in such pro gram; (B) a review of all actions taken to formulate the appropriate methodologies to implement the pay adjust ments provided for under section 3 of this Act, except that nothing under this subparagraph shall be required if no changes are made in any such methodology during the period covered by such report; and (C) an assessment of the role of sections 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, and 10 of this Act in contributing to the General 31 USC 719 note. 31 USC 731 note.