Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 118.djvu/2884

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118 STAT. 2854 PUBLIC LAW 108–447—DEC. 8, 2004 Radio legacy systems, $100,000,000, to remain available until Sep tember 30, 2006: Provided, That the Attorney General shall transfer to the ‘‘Narrowband Communications’’ account all funds made avail able to the Department of Justice for the purchase of portable and mobile radios: Provided further, That any transfer made under the preceding proviso shall be subject to section 605 of this Act. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW AND APPEALS For expenses necessary for the administration of pardon and clemency petitions and immigration related activities, $203,965,000. DETENTION TRUSTEE For necessary expenses of the Federal Detention Trustee, $885,994,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That the Trustee shall be responsible for managing the Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System and for overseeing housing related to such detention: Provided further, That any unobligated balances available in prior years from the funds appropriated under the heading ‘‘Federal Prisoner Detention’’ shall be transferred to and merged with the appropriation under the heading ‘‘Detention Trustee’’ and shall be available until expended. Provided further, That the Trustee, working in consultation with the Bureau of Prisons, shall submit a plan for collecting information related to evaluating the health and safety of Federal prisoners in non Federal institutions no later than 180 days following the enactment of this Act. OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL For necessary expenses of the Office of Inspector General, $63,813,000, including not to exceed $10,000 to meet unforeseen emergencies of a confidential character. UNITED STATES PAROLE COMMISSION SALARIES AND EXPENSES For necessary expenses of the United States Parole Commission as authorized, $10,638,000. LEGAL ACTIVITIES SALARIES AND EXPENSES, GENERAL LEGAL ACTIVITIES For expenses necessary for the legal activities of the Depart ment of Justice, not otherwise provided for, including not to exceed $20,000 for expenses of collecting evidence, to be expended under the direction of, and to be accounted for solely under the certificate of, the Attorney General; and rent of private or Government owned space in the District of Columbia, $634,193,000, of which not to exceed $10,000,000 for litigation support contracts shall remain available until expended: Provided, That of the total amount appro priated, not to exceed $1,000 shall be available to the United States National Central Bureau, INTERPOL, for official reception and representation expenses: Provided further, That notwith standing any other provision of law, upon a determination by the Attorney General that emergent circumstances require additional Deadline.