Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 118.djvu/1320

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118 STAT. 1290 PUBLIC LAW 108–333—OCT. 18, 2004 SEC. 4. PURPOSES. The purposes of this Act are— (1) to promote respect for and protection of fundamental human rights in North Korea; (2) to promote a more durable humanitarian solution to the plight of North Korean refugees; (3) to promote increased monitoring, access, and trans parency in the provision of humanitarian assistance inside North Korea; (4) to promote the free flow of information into and out of North Korea; and (5) to promote progress toward the peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula under a democratic system of govern ment. SEC. 5. DEFINITIONS. In this Act: (1) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEES.—The term ‘‘appropriate congressional committees’’ means— (A) the Committee on International Relations of the House of Representatives; and (B) the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate. (2) CHINA.—The term ‘‘China’’ means the People’s Republic of China. (3) HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE.—The term ‘‘humanitarian assistance’’ means assistance to meet humanitarian needs, including needs for food, medicine, medical supplies, clothing, and shelter. (4) NORTH KOREA.—The term ‘‘North Korea’’ means the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. (5) NORTH KOREANS.—The term ‘‘North Koreans’’ means persons who are citizens or nationals of North Korea. (6) SOUTH KOREA.—The term ‘‘South Korea’’ means the Republic of Korea. TITLE I—PROMOTING THE HUMAN RIGHTS OF NORTH KOREANS SEC. 101. SENSE OF CONGRESS REGARDING NEGOTIATIONS WITH NORTH KOREA. It is the sense of Congress that the human rights of North Koreans should remain a key element in future negotiations between the United States, North Korea, and other concerned par ties in Northeast Asia. SEC. 102. SUPPORT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEMOCRACY PROGRAMS. (a) SUPPORT.—The President is authorized to provide grants to private, nonprofit organizations to support programs that pro mote human rights, democracy, rule of law, and the development of a market economy in North Korea. Such programs may include appropriate educational and cultural exchange programs with North Korean participants, to the extent not otherwise prohibited by law. (b) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— (1) IN GENERAL.—There are authorized to be appropriated to the President $2,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 2005 through 2008 to carry out this section. President. Grants. 22 USC 7812. 22 USC 7811. 22 USC 7803. 22 USC 7802.