Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 118.djvu/1207

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118 STAT. 1177 PUBLIC LAW 108–311—OCT. 4, 2004 SEC. 207. TECHNICAL AND CONFORMING AMENDMENTS. (1) Section 2(a)(1)(B)(i) is amended by inserting ‘‘, deter mined without regard to subsections (b)(1), (b)(2), and (d)(1)(B) thereof’’ after ‘‘section 152’’. (2) Section 21(e)(5) is amended— (A) by striking ‘‘paragraph (2) or (4) of’’ in subpara graph (A), and (B) by striking ‘‘within the meaning of section 152(e)(1)’’ and inserting ‘‘as defined in section 152(e)(3)(A)’’. (3) Section 21(e)(6)(B) is amended by striking ‘‘section 151(c)(3)’’ and inserting ‘‘section 152(f)(1)’’. (4) Section 25B(c)(2)(B) is amended by striking ‘‘151(c)(4)’’ and inserting ‘‘152(f)(2)’’. (5)(A) Subparagraphs (A) and (B) of section 51(i)(1) are each amended by striking ‘‘paragraphs (1) through (8) of section 152(a)’’ both places it appears and inserting ‘‘subparagraphs (A) through (G) of section 152(d)(2)’’. (B) Section 51(i)(1)(C) is amended by striking ‘‘152(a)(9)’’ and inserting ‘‘152(d)(2)(H)’’. (6) Section 72(t)(2)(D)(i)(III) is amended by inserting ‘‘, determined without regard to subsections (b)(1), (b)(2), and (d)(1)(B) thereof’’ after ‘‘section 152’’. (7) Section 72(t)(7)(A)(iii) is amended by striking ‘‘151(c)(3)’’ and inserting ‘‘152(f)(1)’’. (8) Section 42(i)(3)(D)(ii)(I) is amended by inserting ‘‘, deter mined without regard to subsections (b)(1), (b)(2), and (d)(1)(B) thereof’’ after ‘‘section 152’’. (9) Subsections (b) and (c)(1) of section 105 are amended by inserting ‘‘, determined without regard to subsections (b)(1), (b)(2), and (d)(1)(B) thereof’’ after ‘‘section 152’’. (10) Section 120(d)(4) is amended by inserting ‘‘(determined without regard to subsections (b)(1), (b)(2), and (d)(1)(B) thereof)’’ after ‘‘section 152’’. (11) Section 125(e)(1)(D) is amended by inserting ‘‘, deter mined without regard to subsections (b)(1), (b)(2), and (d)(1)(B) thereof’’ after ‘‘section 152’’. (12) Section 129(c)(2) is amended by striking ‘‘151(c)(3)’’ and inserting ‘‘152(f)(1)’’. (13) The first sentence of section 132(h)(2)(B) is amended by striking ‘‘151(c)(3)’’ and inserting ‘‘152(f)(1)’’. (14) Section 153 is amended by striking paragraph (1) and by redesignating paragraphs (2), (3), and (4) as paragraphs (1), (2), and (3), respectively. (15) Section 170(g)(1) is amended by inserting ‘‘(determined without regard to subsections (b)(1), (b)(2), and (d)(1)(B) thereof)’’ after ‘‘section 152’’. (16) Section 170(g)(3) is amended by striking ‘‘paragraphs (1) through (8) of section 152(a)’’ and inserting ‘‘subparagraphs (A) through (G) of section 152(d)(2)’’. (17) Section 213(a) is amended by inserting ‘‘, determined without regard to subsections (b)(1), (b)(2), and (d)(1)(B) thereof’’ after ‘‘section 152’’. (18) The second sentence of section 213(d)(11) is amended by striking ‘‘paragraphs (1) through (8) of section 152(a)’’ and inserting ‘‘subparagraphs (A) through (G) of section 152(d)(2)’’.