Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 117.djvu/371

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[117 STAT. 352]
PUBLIC LAW 107-000—MMMM. DD, 2003
[117 STAT. 352]

117 STAT. 352




For salaries and expenses of standing committees, special and select, authorized by House resolutions, $103,421,000: Provided, That such amount shall remain available for such salaries and expenses until December 31, 2004. COMMITTEE



For salaries and expenses of the Committee on Appropriations, $24,200,000, including studies and examinations of executive agencies and temporary personal services for such committee, to be expended in accordance with section 202(b) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 and to be available for reimbursement to agencies for services performed: Provided, That such amount shall remain available for such salaries and expenses until December 31, 2004. SALARIES, OFFICERS



For compensation and expenses of officers and employees, as authorized by law, $152,027,000, including: for salaries and expenses of the Office of the Clerk, including not more than $13,000, of which not more than $10,000 is for the Family Room, for official representation and reception expenses, $20,032,000, of which $2,500,000 shall remain available until expended; for salaries and expenses of the Office of the Sergeant at Arms, including the position of Superintendent of Garages, and including not more than $3,000 for official representation and reception expenses, $5,097,000; for salaries and expenses of the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer, $105,363,000, of which $7,693,000 shall remain available until expended; for salaries and expenses of the Office of the Inspector General, $3,947,000; for salaries and expenses of the Office of Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Operations, $6,000,000, to remain available until expended; for salaries and expenses of the Office of General Counsel, $894,000; for the Office of the Chaplain, $149,000; for salaries and expenses of the Office of the Parliamentarian, including the Parliamentarian and $2,000 for preparing the Digest of Rules, $1,464,000; for salaries and expenses of the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the House, $2,168,000; for salaries and expenses of the Office of the Legislative Counsel of the House, $5,852,000; for salaries and expenses of the Corrections Calendar Office, $915,000; and for other authorized employees, $146,000: Provided, That of the amounts provided under this heading to the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer, up to $660,000 may be transferred to the Office of the Architect of the Capitol, subject to the approval of the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives. ALLOWANCES AND EXPENSES

For allowances and expenses as authorized by House resolution or law, $183,372,000, including: supplies, materials, administrative costs and Federal tort claims, $3,384,000; official mail for committees, leadership offices, and administrative offices of the House, $410,000; Government contributions for health, retirement, Social

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