Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 117.djvu/345

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[117 STAT. 326]
PUBLIC LAW 107-000—MMMM. DD, 2003
[117 STAT. 326]

117 STAT. 326

PUBLIC LAW 108–7—FEB. 20, 2003

agency or title VI grantee under this subsection bears to the total value of commodities so received. ‘‘(3) From the allotment under subsection (b) for each State agency and title VI grantee, the Secretary shall first reimburse the Secretary of Agriculture for costs of commodities received by such State agency or grantee under this subsection, and shall then pay the balance (if any) to such State agency or grantee.’’; (F) in paragraph (4), as redesignated, in the first sentence, to read as follows: ‘‘Each State agency shall promptly and equitably disburse amounts received under this subsection to recipients of grants and contracts.’’; and (G) in paragraph (5), as redesignated, by striking ‘‘donation’’ and inserting ‘‘provision’’. SEC. 218. Notwithstanding section 409B(c) of the Public Health Service Act regarding a limitation on the number of such grants, funds appropriated in this Act may be expended by the Director of the National Institutes of Health to award Core Center Grants to encourage the development of innovative multidisciplinary research and provide training concerning Parkinson’s disease. Each center funded under such grants shall be designated as a Morris K. Udall Center for Research on Parkinson’s Disease. SEC. 219. The Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2001 (Public Law 107–20) is amended, in the matter under the heading ‘‘Low Income Home Energy Assistance’’ under the heading ‘‘Administration for Children and Families’’ under the heading ‘‘DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES’’, in chapter 7 of title 11, by striking ‘‘$300,000,000’’ and inserting ‘‘$200,000,000’’, and by adding under such heading the following new paragraph: ‘‘For an additional amount for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program authorized under title XXVI of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981 (42 U.S.C. 8621(e)), $100,000,000, to remain available until expended.’’. SEC. 220. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the $6,667,533,000 provided for the Head Start Act shall be exempt from the across-the-board rescission under section 601 of division N. This title may be cited as the ‘‘Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2003’’.

115 Stat. 180.


Department of Education Appropriations Act, 2003.


For carrying out title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (‘‘ESEA’’) and section 418A of the Higher Education Act of 1965, $13,853,400,000, of which $4,651,199,000 shall become available on July 1, 2003, and shall remain available through September 30, 2004, and of which $9,027,301,000 shall become available on October 1, 2003, and shall remain available through September 30, 2004, for academic year 2003–2004: Provided, That $7,172,971,000 shall be available for basic grants under section 1124: Provided further, That up to $3,500,000 of these funds shall be available to the Secretary of Education on October 1, 2002, to obtain updated educational-agency-level census poverty data from the Bureau of the Census: Provided further, That $1,365,031,000 shall be available for concentration grants under

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