Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 2.djvu/794

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116 STAT. 1576 PUBLIC LAW 107-248—OCT. 23, 2002 (2) CREDIT SUBSIDY. —The Secretary shall provide a credit subsidy for any credit instrument issued under this subsection in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990. (3) CONSTRUCTION. —The eligibiHty of a United States commercial provider of in-space transportation services or systems for a credit instrument under this subsection is in addition to any eligibility of such provider for a loan guarantee under other provisions of this section. 42 USC 14753. SEC. 904. DEFINITIONS. In this title: (1) SECRETARY.— The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of Defense. (2) COMMERCIAL PROVIDER.— The term "commercial provider" means any person or entity providing commercial reusable in-orbit space transportation services or systems, primary control of which is held by persons other than the Federal Government, a State or local government, or a foreign government. (3) IN-SPACE TRANSPORTATION SERVICES.— The term "inspace transportation services" means operations and activities involved in the direct transportation or attempted transportation of a payload or object from one orbit to another by means of an in-space transportation vehicle. (4) IN-SPACE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM.— The term "in-space transportation system" means the space and ground elements, including in-space transportation vehicles and support space systems, and ground administration and control facilities and associated equipment, necessary for the provision of in-space transportation services. (5) IN-SPACE TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE.— The term "inspace transportation vehicle" means a vehicle designed— (A) to be based and operated in space; (B) to transport various payloads or objects from one orbit to another orbit; and (C) to be reusable and refueled in space. (6) UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL PROVIDER.—The term "United States commercial provider" means any commercial provider organized under the laws of the United States that is more than 50 percent owned by United States nationals.