Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 2.djvu/658

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116 STAT. 1440 PUBLIC LAW 107-228—SEPT. 30, 2002 be utilized in the delivery of NBC weapons, whose primary use is the delivery of NBC weapons, or that the Secretary or the Secretary of Defense has reason to believe could be used to deliver NBC weapons. (2) The status of NBC weapons development, acquisition, manufacture, stockpiling, and deplo3anent programs in any such country, including efforts by such country or by any subnational group to acquire essential test equipment, manufacturing equipment and technology, weaponization equipment and technology, and radioactive material, feedstocks or components of feedstocks, and biological cultures and toxins. (3) A description of assistance provided by any person or government, after the date of the enactment of this Act, to any such country or subnational group in the acquisition or development of— (A) NBC weapons; (B) missile systems, as defined in the MTCR or that the Secretary or the Secretary of Defense has reason to believe may be used to deliver NBC weapons; and (C) aircraft and other delivery systems and weapons that the Secretary or the Secretary of Defense has reason to believe could be used to deliver NBC weapons. (4) A listing of those persons and countries that continue to provide such equipment or technology described in paragraph (3) to any country or subnational group as of the date of submission of the report, including the extent to which foreign persons and countries were found to have knowingly and materially assisted such programs. (5) A description of the use of, or substantial preparations to use, the equipment of technology described in paragraph (3) by any foreign country or subnational group. (6) A description of the diplomatic measures that the United States, and that other adherents to the MTCR and other arrangements affecting the acquisition and delivery of NBC weapons, have made with respect to activities and private persons and governments suspected of violating the MTCR and such other arrangements. (7) An analysis of the effectiveness of the regulatory and enforcement regimes of the United States and other countries that adhere to the MTCR and other arrangements affecting the acquisition and delivery of NBC weapons in controlling the export of MTCR and other NBC weapons and delivery system equipment or technology. (8) A summary of advisory opinions issued under section llB(b)(4) of the Export Administration Act of 1979 (50 U.S.C. App. 2401b(b)(4)) and under section 73(d) of the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2797b(d)). (9) An explanation of United States policy regarding the transfer of MTCR equipment or technology to foreign missile programs, including programs involving launches of space vehicles. (10) A description of each transfer by any person or government during the preceding 12-month period which is subject to sanctions under the Iran-Iraq Arms Non-Proliferation Act of 1992 (title XVI of Public Law 102-484). (d) EXCLUSIONS. — The countries excluded under subsection (a) are Australia, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark,