Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 2.djvu/624

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116 STAT. 1406 PUBLIC LAW 107-228—SEPT. 30, 2002 (1) Improving the integration of human rights poHcy into the Department's overall policy formulation and implementation. (2) Achieving closer communication and policy coordination between the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor and the regional bureaus of the Department, both within the United States and at overseas posts. (3) Assigning individuals recommended by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, in conjunction with the relevant Department regional bureau, to political officer positions at United States missions abroad that have the primary responsibility for monitoring human rights developments in foreign countries. 22 USC 2151n-2. SEC. 664. HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEMOCRACY FUND. (a) ESTABLISHMENT OF FUND.— There is established a Human Rights and Democracy Fund (in this section referred to as the "Fund") to be administered by the Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. (b) PURPOSES OF FUND. — The purposes of the Fund shall be— (1) to support defenders of human rights; (2) to assist the victims of human rights violations; (3) to respond to human rights emergencies; (4) to promote and encourage the growth of democracy, including the support for nongovernmental organizations in foreign countries; and (5) to carry out such other related activities as are consistent with paragraphs (1) through (4). (c) FUNDING. — (1) IN GENERAL.— Of the amounts made available to carry out chapter 4 of part II of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 for fiscal year 2003, $21,500,000 is authorized to be available to the Fund for carrying out the purposes described in subsection (b). Amounts made available to the Fund under this paragraph shall also be deemed to have been made available under section 116(e) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2151n(e)). (2) ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FOR THE DOCUMENTATION CENTER OF CAMBODIA. —Of the amount authorized to be available to the Fund under paragraph (1) for fiscal year 2003, $1,000,000 is authorized to be available for the Documentation Center of Cambodia for the purpose of collecting, cataloguing, and disseminating information about the atrocities committed by the Khmer Rouge against the Cambodian people. (3) FATHER JOHN KAISER MEMORIAL FUND.— Of the amount authorized to be available to the Fund under paragraph (1) for fiscal year 2003, $500,000 is authorized to be available to advance the extraordinary work and values of Father John Kaiser with respect to solving ethnic conflict and promoting government accountability and respect for human rights. The amount made available under this paragraph may be referred to as the "Father John Kaiser Memorial Fund". SEC. 665. REPORTS ON ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE UNITED STATES TO ENCOURAGE RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS. (a) SECTION 116 REPORT.— Section 116(d) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2151n(d)) is amended—