Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 1.djvu/585

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PUBLIC LAW 107-173—MAY 14, 2002 116 STAT. 559 information provided is not accurate and full based on information provided to the carrier, such official, carrier, or agent, as the case may be, shall pay to the Commissioner the simi of $1,000 for each person with respect to whom such accurate and full msmifest information is not provided, or with respect to whom the manifest information is not prepared as prescribed by this section or by regulations issued pursuant thereto. No commercisd vessel or aircraft shall be greuited clearance pending determination of the question of the liability to the payment of such penalty, or while it remains unpaid, and no such penalty shall be remitted or refunded, except that cleeirance may be granted prior to the determination of such question upon the deposit with the Commissioner of a bond or undertaking approved by the Attorney General or a sum sufficient to cover such penalty. "(h) WAIVER. — The Attorney General may waive the requirements of subsection (a) or (b) upon such circumstances and conditions as the Attorney General may by regulation prescribe. "(i) UNITED STATES BORDER OFFICER DEFINED.— In this section, the term 'United States border officer' means, with respect to a particular port of entry into the United States, any United States official who is performing duties at that port of entry.". (b) EXTENSION TO LAND CARRIERS.— (1) STUDY,—The President shall conduct a study regarding the feasibility of extending the requirements of subsections (a) and (b) of section 231 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1221), as amended by subsection (a), to any commercisd carrier transporting persons by Isuid to or from the United States. The study shall focus on the manner in which such requirement would be implemented to enhance the national security of the United States and the efficient cross-border flow of commerce and persons. (2) REPORT.— Not later than two years after the date of Deadline, enactment of this Act, the President shall submit to Congress a report setting forth the findings of the study conducted under paragraph (1). (c) EFFECTIVE DATE. —The amendments made by subsection (a) shall apply with respect to persons arriving in, or departing from, the United States on or after the date of enactment of this Act. President. 8 USC 1221 note. Applicability. 8 USC 1221 note. SEC. 403. TIME PERIOD FOR INSPECTIONS. (a) REPEAL OF TIME LIMITATION ON INSPECTIONS.— Section 286(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1356(g)) is amended by striking ", within forty-five minutes of their presentation for inspection,". (b) STAFFING LEVELS AT PORTS OF ENTRY. —The Immigration and Naturalization Service shall staff ports of entry at such levels that would be adequate to meet traffic flow and inspection time objectives efficiently without compromising the safety and security of the United States. Estimated staffing levels under workforce models for the Immigration and Naturalization Service shall be based on the goal of providing immigration services described in section 286(g) of such Act within 45 minutes of a passenger's presentation for inspection. 8 USC 1752.