Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 3.djvu/457

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•^fff.. CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS—NOV. 27, 2001 115 STAT. 2531 to section 2 of this concurrent resolution, whichever occurs first; and that when the Senate recesses or adjourns at the close of business on Friday, November 16, 2001, or Saturday, November 17, 2001, on a motion offered pursuant to this concurrent resolution by its Majority Leader or his designee, it stand recessed or adjourned until noon on Tuesday, November 27, 2001, or at such other time on that day as may be specified by its Majority Leader or his designee in the motion to recess or adjourn, or until Members are notified to reassemble pursuant to section 2 of this concurrent resolution, whichever occurs first. SEC. 2. The Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader of the Senate, acting jointly after consultation with the Minority Leader of the House and the Minority Leader of the Senate, shall notify the Members of the House and the Senate, respectively, to reassemble at such place and time as they may designate whenever, in their opinion, the public interest shall warrant it. Agreed to November 16, 2001, PEARL HARBOR ATTACK—60TH ANNIVERSARY Nov. 27, 2001 Whereas on December 7, 1941, the Imperial Japanese Navy and Air Force attacked units of the Armed Forces of the United States stationed at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; Whereas 2,403 members of the Armed Forces of the United States were killed in the attack on Pearl Harbor; Whereas there are more than 12,000 members of the Pearl Harbor Survivors Association; Whereas the 60th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor will be December 7, 2001; Whereas on August 23, 1994, Public Law 103-308 was enacted, designating December 7 of each year as National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day; and Whereas Public Law 103-308, reenacted as section 129 of title 36, United States Code, requests the President to issue each year a proclamation calling on the people of the United States to observe National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day with appropriate ceremonies and activities, and all departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the Federal Government, and interested organizations, groups, and individuals, to fly the flag of the United States at half-staff each December 7 in honor of the individuals who died as a result of their service at Pearl Harbor: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That the Congress, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of December 7, 1941, pays tribute to— (1) the United States citizens who died as a result of the attack by Japanese Imperial Forces on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; and (2) the service of the American sailors and soldiers who survived the attack. Agreed to November 27, 2001. [S. Con. Res. 44]