Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 2.djvu/570

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115 STAT. 1554 PUBLIC LAW 107-110-^AN. 8, 2002 "(1) Providing preschool age children with high-quality oral language and literature-rich environments in which to acquire language and prereading skills. "(2) Providing professional development that is based on scientifically based reading research knowledge of early language and reading development for the staff of the eligible applicant and that will assist in developing the preschool age children's— "(A) recognition, leading to automatic recognition, of letters of the alphabet, knowledge of letters, sounds, blending of letter sounds, and increasingly complex vocabulary; "(B) understanding that written language is composed of phonemes and letters each representing one or more speech sounds that in combination make up syllables, words, and sentences; "(C) spoken language, including vocabulary and oral comprehension abilities; and "(D) knowledge of the purposes and conventions of print. "(3) Identifying and providing activities and instructional materials that are based on scientifically based reading research for use in developing the skills and abilities described in paragraph (2). "(4) Acquiring, providing training for, and implementing screening reading assessments or other appropriate measures that are based on scientifically based reading research to determine whether preschool age children are developing the skills described in this subsection. "(5) Integrating such instructional materials, activities, tools, and measures into the programs offered by the eligible applicant. "(e) AWARD AMOUNTS. —The Secretary may establish a maximum award amount, or ranges of award amounts, for grants under this subpart. 20 USC 6373. " SEC. 1223. FEDERAL ADMINISTRATION. "The Secretary shall consult with the Secretary of Health and Human Services to coordinate the activities under this subpart with preschool age programs administered by the Department of Health and Human Services. 20 USC 6374. "SEC. 1224. INFORMATION DISSEMINATION. "From the funds the National Institute for Literacy receives under section 1202(b)(1)(D), the National Institute for Literacy, in consultation with the Secretary, shall disseminate information regarding projects assisted under this subpart that have proven effective. 20 USC 6375. "SEC. 1225. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. "Each eligible applicant receiving a grant under this subpart shall report annually to the Secretary regarding the eligible applicant's progress in addressing the purposes of this subpart. Such report shall include, at a minimum, a description of— "(1) the research-based instruction, materials, and activities being used in the programs funded under the grant; "(2) the types of programs funded under the grant and the ages of children served by such programs;