Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 2.djvu/394

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115 STAT. 1378 PUBLIC LAW 107-107—DEC. 28, 2001 (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT. —The table of sections at the beginning of that Act is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 662 the following new item: "Sec. 663. Annual assessment and report on vulnerability of facilities to terrorist attack.". SEC. 3155. DISPOSITION OF SURPLUS DEFENSE PLUTONIUM AT SAVANNAH RIVER SITE, AIKEN, SOUTH CAROLINA. (a) CONSULTATION REQUIRED. —The Secretary of Energy shall consult with the Governor of the State of South Carolina regarding any decisions or plans of the Secretary related to the disposition of surplus defense plutonium and defense plutonium materials located at the Savannah River Site, Aiken, South Carolina. (b) NOTICE REQUIRED, —For each shipment of defense plutonium or defense plutonium materials to the Savannah River Site, the Secretary shall, not less than 30 days before the commencement of such shipment, submit to the congressional defense committees a report providing notice of such shipment. (c) PLAN FOR DISPOSITION. — The Secretary shall prepare a plan for disposal of the surplus defense plutonium and defense plutonium materials currently located at the Savannah River Site and for disposal of defense plutonium and defense plutonium materials to be shipped to the Savannah River Site in the future. The plan shall include the following: (1) A review of each option considered for such disposal. (2) An identification of the preferred option for such disposal. (3) With respect to the facilities for such disposal that are required by the Department of Energys Record of Decision for the Storage and Disposition of Weapons-Usable Fissile Materials Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement dated January 14, 1997— (A) a statement of the cost of construction and operation of such facilities; (B) a schedule for the expeditious construction of such facilities, including milestones; and (C) a firm schedule for funding the cost of such facilities. (4) A specification of the means by which all such defense plutonium and defense plutonium materials will be removed in a timely manner from the Savannah River Site for storage or disposal elsewhere. (d) PLAN FOR ALTERNATIVE DISPOSITION.—If the Secretary determines not to proceed at the Savannah River Site with construction of the plutonium immobilization plant, or with the mixed oxide fuel fabrication facility, the Secretary shall prepare a plan that identifies a disposition path for all defense plutonium and defense plutonium materials that would otherwise have been disposed of at such plant or such facility, as applicable. Deadline. (e) SUBMISSION OF PLANS. —Not later than February 1, 2002, the Secretary shall submit to Congress the plan required by subsection (c) (and the plan prepared under subsection (d), if applicable). (f) LIMITATION ON PLUTONIUM SHIPMENTS. —If the Secretary does not submit to Congress the plan required by subsection (c) (and the plan prepared under subsection (d), if applicable) by February 1, 2002, the Secretary shall be prohibited from shipping