Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 2.djvu/136

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115 STAT. 1120 PUBLIC LAW 107-107—DEC. 28, 2001 Applicability. 10 USC 12503 note. member not on active duty or full-time National Guard duty shall be treated as inactive-duty training (including with respect to travel to and from such duty) for purposes of any provision of law other than sections 206 and 435 of title 37.". (c) EFFECTIVE DATE. —The amendments made by this section shall apply to funeral honors duty performed on or after October 30, 2000. SEC. 563. USE OF MILITARY LEAVE FOR FUNERAL HONORS DUTY BY RESERVE MEMBERS AND NATIONAL GUARDSMEN. Section 6323(a)(1) of title 5, United States Code, is amended by inserting "funeral honors duty (as described in section 12503 of title 10 and section 115 of title 32)," after "(as defined in section 101 of title 37),". SEC. 564. AUTHORITY TO PROVIDE APPROPRIATE ARTICLES OF CLOTHING AS A CIVILIAN UNIFORM FOR CIVILIANS PARTICIPATING IN FUNERAL HONOR DETAILS. Section 1491(d) of title 10, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph: "(3) Articles of clothing for members of a veterans organization or other organization referred to in subsection (b)(2) that, as determined by the Secretary concerned, are appropriate as a civilian uniform for persons participating in a funeral honors detail.". Subtitle H—Military Spouses and Family Members SEC. 571. IMPROVED FINANCIAL AND OTHER ASSISTANCE TO MILI- TARY SPOUSES FOR JOB TRAINING AND EDUCATION. (a) EXAMINATION OF EXISTING EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE PRO- GRAMS. —(1) The Secretary of Defense shall examine existing Department of Defense and other Federal, State, and nongovernmental programs with the objective of improving retention of military personnel by increasing the employability of military spouses and assisting those spouses in gaining access to financial and other assistance for job training and education. (2) In conducting the examination, the Secretary shall give priority to facilitating and increasing access of military spouses to existing Department of Defense, Federal, State, and nongovernmental sources for the t5T)es of financial assistance set forth in paragraph (3), but shall also specifically assess whether the Department of Defense should begin a program for direct financial assistance to military spouses for some or all of those types of assistance and whether such a program of direct financial assistance would enhance retention. (3) In conducting the examination pursuant to paragraph (1), the Secretary should focus on financial assistance for military spouses for one or more of the following purposes: (A) Career-related education. (B) Certification and license fees for employment-related purposes. (C) Apprenticeships and internships. (D) Technical training. (E) Training to improve job skills.