Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 2.djvu/1093

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PUBLIC LAW 107-110-^AN. 8, 2002 115 STAT. 2077 any program or services if a grant has been made under this part to pay such expenses. "(d) 'KlANSFERS AND CARRYOVERS.— "(1) BUILDINGS, EQUIPMENT, SUPPLIES, MATERIALS. —A tribe or tribal organization assuming the operation of— "(A) a Bureau school with assistance under this part shall be entitled to the transfer or use of buildings, equipment, supplies, and materials to the same extent as if it were contracting under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act; or "(B) a contract school with assistance under this part shall be entitled to the transfer or use of buildings, equipment, supplies, and materials that were used in the operation of the contract school to the same extent as if it were contracting under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act. "(2) FUNDS. —Any tribe or tribal organization which assumes operation of a Bureau school with assistance under this part and any tribe or tribal organization which elects to operate a school with assistance under this part rather that to continue as a contract school shall be entitled to any funds which would carryover from the previous fiscal year as if such school were operated as a contract school. "(3) FUNDING FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT.— Any tribe or tribal organization that assumes operation of a Bureau school or a contract school with assistance under this part shall be eligible for funding for the improvement, alteration, replacement, and repair of facilities to the same extent as a Bureau school. " (e) EXCEPTIONS, PROBLEMS, AND DISPUTES. —Any exception or problem cited in an audit conducted pursuant to section 5206(b)(1), any dispute regarding a grant authorized to be made pursuant to this part or any amendment to such grant, and any dispute involving an administrative cost grant under section 1128 of the Education Amendments of 1978 shall be administered under the provisions governing such exceptions, problems, or disputes in the case of contracts under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act. The Equal Access to Justice Act shall apply to administrative appeals filed after September 8, 1988, by grantees regarding a grant under this part, including an administrative cost grant. "SEC. 5209. ROLE OF THE DIRECTOR. 25 USC 2508. "Applications for grants under this part, and all application modifications, shall be reviewed and approved by personnel under the direction and control of the Director of the Office of Indian Education Programs. Required reports shall be submitted to education personnel under the direction and control of the Director of such Office. "SEC. 5210. REGULATIONS. 25 USC 2509. "The Secretary is authorized to issue regulations relating to the discharge of duties specifically assigned to the Secretary in this part. For all other matters relating to the details of planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating grants under this part, the Secretary shall not issue regulations.