Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 1.djvu/621

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PUBLIC LAW 107-71—NOV. 19, 2001 115 STAT. 599 "(A) To coordinate domestic transportation, including aviation, rail, and other surface transportation, and maritime transportation (including port security). "(B) To coordinate and oversee the transportationrelated responsibilities of other departments and agencies of the Federal Government other than the Department of Defense and the military departments. "(C) To coordinate and provide notice to other departments and agencies of the Federal Government, and appropriate agencies of State and local governments, including departments and agencies for transportation, law enforcement, and border control, about threats to transportation. "(D) To carry out such other duties, and exercise such other powers, relating to transportation during a national emergency as the Secretary shall prescribe. " (2) AUTHORITY OF OTHER DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES. — The authority of the Under Secretary under this subsection shall not supersede the authority of any other department or agency of the Federal Government under law with respect to transportation or transportation-related matters, whether or not during a national emergency. "(3) CIRCUMSTANCES. —The Secretary shall prescribe the circumstances constituting a national emergency for purposes of this subsection. "(h) MANAGEMENT OF SECURITY INFORMATION.— In consultation with the Transportation Security Oversight Board, the Under Secretary shall— "(1) enter into memoranda of understanding with Federal agencies or other entities to share or otherwise cross-check as necessary data on individuals identified on Federal agency databases who may pose a risk to transportation or national security; "(2) establish procedures for notifying the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration, appropriate State and local law enforcement officials, and airport or airline security officers of the identity of individuals known to pose, or suspected of posing, a risk of air piracy or terrorism or a threat to airline or passenger safety; "(3) in consultation with other appropriate Federal agencies and air carriers, establish policies and procedures requiring air carriers— "(A) to use information from government agencies to identify individuals on passenger lists who may be a threat to civil aviation or national security; and "(B) if such an individual is identified, notify appropriate law enforcement agencies, prevent the individual from boarding an aircraft, or take other appropriate action with respect to that individual; and "(4) consider requiring passenger air carriers to share passenger lists with appropriate Federal agencies for the purpose of identifying individuals who may pose a threat to aviation safety or national security. "(i) VIEW OF NTSB. —In taking any action under this section that could affect safety, the Under Secretary shall give great weight to the timely views of the National Transportation Safety Board. "( j) ACQUISITIONS. — "(1) IN GENERAL.—The Under Secretary is authorized—