Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 1.djvu/190

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115 STAT. 168 PUBLIC LAW 107-20-^ULY 24, 2001 BUSINESS LOANS PROGRAM ACCOUNT (INCLUDING RESCISSION) Of the funds made available in Public Law 106-553 for the costs of guaranteed loans under the New Markets Venture Capital Program for use under this heading in only fiscal year 2001, $22,000,000 are rescinded. For an additional amount for the activities specified in Public Law 106-553 for which funds were rescinded in the preceding paragraph, $22,000,000, to remain available until expended. GENERAL PROVISIONS—THIS CHAPTER SEC. 2201. Section 144(d) of division B of Public Law 106- 114 Stat. 554 is amended— 2763A-240. (1) in paragraph (1) and paragraph (5)(B) by striking "not later than May 1, 2001" and inserting in lieu thereof "as soon as practicable"; (2) in paragraph (2)(A) by striking "for vessels" and inserting in lieu thereof "who hold such permits based on fishing histories"; (3) in paragraph (2)(B)(i) by striking "meets" and inserting in lieu thereof "is fishing under a permit that is issued based on fishing histories that meet"; (4) in paragraph (2)(B)(i) by inserting ", provided that any interim Bering Sea crab fishery certificates issued after December 1, 2000 shall remain valid until the Secretary implements final regulations consistent with the provisions of this subparagraph" after "paragraph"; (5) in paragraph (3) by striking "the May 1, 2001 date" and inserting in lieu thereof "the direction to issue regulations as soon as practicable as"; (6) in paragraph (3) by striking "with that date"; and (7) in paragraph (2)(A)(ii) by striking "have made" and inserting in lieu thereof "except as specifically provided otherwise in the regulations described in clause (i), include". SEC. 2202. (a) Section 12102(c) of title 46, United States Code, as amended by section 202(a) of the American Fisheries Act (46 U.S.C. 12102 note), is amended— (1) in paragraph (2)(B) by striking "or the use" and all that follows in such paragraph and inserting in lieu thereof "or the exercise of rights under loan or mortgage covenants by a mortgagee eligible to be a preferred mortgagee under section 31322(a) of this title, provided that a mortgagee not eligible to own a vessel with a fishery endorsement may only operate such a vessel to the extent necessary for the immediate safety of the vessel or for repairs, drydocking or berthing changes."; and (2) by striking paragraph (4) and renumbering the remaining paragraph accordingly. (b) Section 31322(a)(4) of title 46, United States Code, as amended by section 202(b) of the American Fisheries Act (Public Law 105-277, division C, title II) is amended by striking paragraph (4)(B) and all that follows in such paragraph and inserting in lieu thereof the following: