Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 5.djvu/633

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PUBLIC LAW 106-554—APPENDIX G 114 STAT. 2763A-593 "(ii) An increase in the level of efficiency of local services within the renewal community. "(iii) Crime reduction strategies, such as crime prevention (including the provision of crime prevention services by nongovernmental entities). "(iv) Actions to reduce, remove, simplify, or streamline governmental requirements applying within the renewal community. "(v) Involvement in the program by private entities, organizations, neighborhood organizations, and community groups, particularly those in the renewal community, including a commitment from such private entities to provide jobs and job training for, and technical, financial, or other assistance to, employers, employees, and residents from the renewal community. "(vi) The gift (or sale at below fair market value) of surplus real property (such as land, homes, and commercial or industrial structures) in the renewal community to neighborhood organizations, community development corporations, or private companies. "(B) RECOGNITION OF PAST EFFORTS.— For purposes of this section, in evaluating the course of action agreed to by any State or local government, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall take into account the past efforts of such State or local government in reducing the various burdens borne by employers and employees in the area involved. " (3) ECONOMIC GROWTH PROMOTION REQUIREMENTS.—The economic growth promotion requirements of this paragraph are met with respect to a nominated area if the local government and the State in which such area is located certify in writing that such government and State (respectively) have repealed or reduced, will not enforce, or will reduce within the nominated area at least 4 of the following: "(A) Licensing requirements for occupations that do not ordinarily require a professional degree. "(B) Zoning restrictions on home-based businesses which do not create a public nuisance. "(C) Permit requirements for street vendors who do not create a public nuisance. "(D) Zoning or other restrictions that impede the formation of schools or child care centers. "(E) Franchises or other restrictions on competition for businesses providing public services, including taxicabs, jitneys, cable television, or trash hauling. This paragraph shall not apply to the extent that such regulation of businesses and occupations is necessary for and welltailored to the protection of health and safety. " (e) COORDINATION WITH TREATMENT OF EMPOWERMENT ZONES AND ENTERPRISE COMMUNITIES.—For purposes of this title, the designation under section 1391 of any area as an empowerment zone or enterprise community shall cease to be in effect as of the date that the designation of any portion of such area as a renewal community takes effect. "(f) DEFINITIONS AND SPECIAL RULES.—For purposes of this subchapter—