Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 5.djvu/122

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114 STAT. 2763A-82 PUBLIC LAW 106-554—APPENDIX A (C) is received in a postsecondary education program focused on early learning or early childhood development in which the individual is enrolled; or (D) is provided, certified, or sponsored by an orggmization that is recognized for its expertise in promoting early learning or early childhood development. (14) YOUNG CHILD. — The term "young child" means any child from birth to the age of mandatory school attendance in the State where the child resides. SEC. 804. PROHIBITIONS. (a) PARTICIPATION NOT REQUIRED.— No person, including a parent, shall be required to participate in any program of early childhood education, early learning, parent education, or developmental screening pursuant to the provisions of this title. (b) RIGHTS OF PARENTS.—Nothing in this title shall be construed to affect the rights of parents otherwise established in Federal, State, or local law. (c) PARTICULAR METHODS OR SETTINGS.—No entity that receives funds under this title shall be required to provide services under this title through a particular instructional method or in a particular instructional setting to comply with this title. (d) NONDUPLICATION.— No funds provided under this title shall be used to carry out an activity funded under another provision of law providing for Federal child care or early learning programs, unless an expansion of such activity is identified in the local needs assessment and performance goals under this title. SEC. 805. AUTHORIZATION AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS. There are authorized to be appropriated to the Department of Health and Human Services to carry out this title— (1) $750,000,000 for fiscal year 2001; (2) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2002; (3) $1,500,000,000 for fiscal year 2003; and (4) such sums as may be necessary for each of the fiscal years 2004 and 2005. SEC. 806. COORDINATION OF FEDERAL PROGRAMS. (a) COORDINATION.—The Secretary and the Secretary of Education shall develop mechanisms to resolve administrative and programmatic conflicts between Federal programs that would be a barrier to parents, caregivers, service providers, or children related to the coordination of services and funding for early learning programs. (b) USE OF EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES.— In the case of a collaborative activity funded under this title and another provision of law providing for Federal child care or early learning programs, the use of equipment and nonconsumable supplies purchased with funds made available under this title or such provision shall not be restricted to children enrolled or otherwise participating in the program carried out under this title or such provision, during a period in which the activity is predominately funded under this title or such provision. SEC. 807. PROGRAM AUTHORIZED. (a) GRANTS.—From amounts appropriated under section 805 the Secretary shall award grants to States to enable the States to award grants to Local Councils to pay the Federal share of