Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 2.djvu/778

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114 STAT. 1514 PUBLIC LAW 106-386—OCT. 28, 2000 42 USC 13961 note. Deadline. (b) PRIORITIES.—In awarding grants under this section, the Attorney General shall give priority to applications designed to provide education and technical assistance on— (1) the nature, definition, and characteristics of domestic violence, stalking, and sexual assault experienced by women who are individuals with disabilities; (2) outreach activities to ensure that women who are individuals with disabilities who are victims of domestic violence, stalking, and sexual assault receive appropriate assistance; (3) the requirements of shelters and victim services organizations under Federal anti-discrimination laws, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; and (4) cost-effective ways that shelters and victim services may accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. (c) USES OF GRANTS.— Each recipient of a grant under this section shall provide information and training to organizations and programs that provide services to individuals with disabilities, including independent living centers, disability-related service organizations, and domestic violence programs providing shelter or related assistance. (d) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. —There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $7,500,000 for each of fiscal years 2001 through 2005. SEC. 1403. COMMUNITY INITIATIVES. Section 318 of the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (42 U.S.C. 10418) is amended by striking subsection (h) and inserting the following: "(h) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. —There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $6,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2001 through 2005.". SEC. 1404. DEVELOPMENT OF RESEARCH AGENDA IDENTIFIED BY THE VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN ACT OF 1994. (a) IN GENERAL.— The Attorney General shall— (1) direct the National Institute of Justice, in consultation and coordination with the Bureau of Justice Statistics and the National Academy of Sciences, through its National Research Council, to develop a research agenda based on the recommendations contained in the report entitled "Understanding Violence Against Women" of the National Academy of Sciences; and (2) not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, in consultation with the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, submit to Congress a report which shall include— (A) a description of the research agenda developed under paragraph (1) and a plan to implement that agenda; and (B) recommendations for priorities in carrying out that agenda to most effectively advance knowledge about and means by which to prevent or reduce violence against women.