Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 2.djvu/703

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PUBLIC LAW 106-377—APPENDIX B 114 STAT. 1441A-85 standards of the State of California as approved by the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, to minimize any detrimental effect of the San Luis drainage waters. (b) The costs of the Kesterson Reservoir Cleanup Program and the costs of the San Joaquin Valley Drainage Program shall be classified by the Secretary of the Interior as reimbursable or nonreimbursable and collected until fully repaid pursuant to the "Cleanup Program—Alternative Repayment Plan" and the "SJVDP—Alternative Repayment Plan" described in the report entitled "Repayment Report, Kesterson Reservoir Cleanup Program and San Joaquin Valley Drainage Program, February 1995", prepared by the Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation. Any future obligations of funds by the United States relating to, or providing for, drainage service or drainage studies for the San Luis Unit shall be fully reimbursable by San Luis Unit beneficiaries of such service or studies pursuant to Federal Reclamation law. SEC. 604. None of the funds appropriated by this Act shall be used to propose or issue rules, regulations, decrees, or orders for the purpose of implementation, or in preparation for implementation, of the Kyoto Protocol which was adopted on December 11, 1997, in Kyoto, Japan at the Third Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which has not been submitted to the Senate for advice and consent to ratification pursuant to article II, section 2, clause 2, of the United States Constitution, and which has not entered into force pursuant to article 25 of the Protocol. SEC. 605. FUNDING OF THE COASTAL WETLANDS PLANNING, PROTECTION AND RESTORATION ACT. Section 4(a) of the Act of August 9, 1950 (16 U.S.C. 777c(a)), is amended in the second sentence by striking "2000" and inserting "2009". SEC. 606. REDESIGNATION OF INTERSTATE SANITATION COMMIS- SION AND DISTRICT, (a) INTERSTATE SANITATION COMMISSION.— (1) IN GENERAL. —The district known as the "Interstate Sanitation Commission", established by article III of the Tri- State Compact described in the Resolution entitled, "A Joint Resolution granting the consent of Congress to the States of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut to enter into a compact for the creation of the Interstate Sanitation District and the establishment of the Interstate Sanitation Commission", approved August 27, 1935 (49 Stat. 933), is redesignated as the "Interstate Environmental Commission". (2) REFERENCES. —Any reference in a law, regulation, map, document, paper, or other record of the United States to the Interstate Sanitation Commission shall be deemed to be a reference to the Interstate Environmental Commission. (b) INTERSTATE SANITATION DISTRICT. — (1) IN GENERAL.— The district known as the "Interstate Sanitation District", established by article II of the Tri-State Compact described in the Resolution entitled, "A Joint Resolution granting the consent of Congress to the States of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut to enter into a compact for the creation of the Interstate Sanitation District and the establishment of the Interstate Sanitation Commission", approved August 27, 1935 (49 Stat. 932), is redesignated as the "Interstate Environmental District". (2) REFERENCES. —Any reference in a law, regulation, map, document, paper, or other record of the United States to the