Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 113 Part 3.djvu/272

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113 STAT. 1790 PUBLIC LAW 106-163—DEC. 9, 1999 (e) SECTION NOT PRECEDENTIAL. —The provisions of this section regarding the allocation of water resources from the Tiber Reservoir to the Tribe shall not be construed as precedent in the litigation or settlement of any other Indian water right claims. SEC. 202. MUNICIPAL, RURAL, AND INDUSTRIAL FEASIBILITY STUDY. (a) AUTHORIZATION. — (1) IN GENERAL.— (A) STUDY. —The Secretary, acting through the Bureau of Reclamation, shall perform an MR&I feasibility study of water and related resources in North Central Montana to evaluate alternatives for a municipal, rural, and industrial supply for the Rocky Boy's Reservation. (B) USE OF FUNDS MADE AVAILABLE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1999.— The authority under subparagraph (A) shall be deemed to apply to MR&I feasibility study activities for which funds were made available by appropriations for fiscal year 1999. (2) CONTENTS OF STUDY.— The MR&I feasibility study shall include the feasibility of releasing the Tribe's Tiber allocation as provided for in section 201 into the Missouri River System for later diversion to a treatment and delivery system for the Rocky Boy's Reservation. (3) UTILIZATION OF EXISTING STUDIES.— The MR&I feasibility study shall include utilization of existing Federal and non-Federal studies and shall be planned and conducted in consultation with other Federal agencies, the State of Montana, and the Chippewa Cree Tribe. (b) ACCEPTANCE OR PARTICIPATION IN IDENTIFIED OFF-RESERVA- TION SYSTEM.— The United States, the Chippewa Cree Tribe of the Rocky Boy's Reservation, and the State of Montana shall not be obligated to accept or participate in any potential off-Reservation water supply system identified in the MR&I feasibility study authorized in subsection (a). SEC. 203. REGIONAL FEASIBILITY STUDY. (a) IN GENERAL. — (1) STUDY.—The Secretary, acting through the Bureau of Reclamation, shall conduct, pursuant to Reclamation Law, a regional feasibility study (referred to in this subsection as the "regional feasibility study") to evaluate water and related resources in North-Central Montana in order to determine the limitations of those resources and how those resources can best be managed and developed to serve the needs of the citizens of Montana. (2) USE OF FUNDS MADE AVAILABLE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1999. — The authority under paragraph (1) shall be deemed to apply to regional feasibility study activities for which funds were made available by appropriations for fiscal year 1999. (b) CONTENTS OF STUDY. —The regional feasibility study shall— (1) evaluate existing and potential water supplies, uses, and management; (2) identify major water-related issues, including environmental, water supply, and economic issues; (3) evaluate opportunities to resolve the issues referred to in paragraph (2); and (4) evaluate options for implementation of resolutions to the issues.