Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 113 Part 1.djvu/876

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113 STAT. 852 PUBLIC LAW 106-65—OCT. 5, 1999 "(c) LEASE PROCEEDS. —Al l money received from a lease entered into under subsection (b) shall be retained by the Superintendent of the Naval Academy and shall be available to cover expenses related to the property described in subsection (a), including reimbursing nonappropriated fund instrumentalities of the Naval Academy.". SEC. 2815. STUDY AND REPORT ON IMPACTS TO MILITARY READINESS OF PROPOSED LAND MANAGEMENT CHANGES ON PUBLIC LANDS IN UTAH. (a) UTAH NATIONAL DEFENSE LANDS DEFINED. — In this section, the term "Utah national defense lands" means public lands under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management in the State of Utah that are adjacent to or near the Utah Test and Training Range and Dugway Proving Ground or beneath the Military Operating Areas, Restricted Areas, and airspace that make up the Utah Test and Training Range. (b) READINESS IMPACT STUDY.— The Secretary of Defense shall conduct a study to evaluate the impact upon military training, testing, and operational readiness of any proposed changes in land designation or management of the Utah national defense lands. In conducting the study, the Secretary of Defense shall consider the following: (1) The present military requirements for and missions conducted at Utah Test and Training Range, as well as projected requirements for the support of aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, missiles, munitions, and other military requirements. (2) The future requirements for force structure and doctrine changes, such as the Expeditionary Aerospace Force concept, that could require the use of the Utah Test and Training Range. (3) All other pertinent issues, such as overflight requirements, access to electronic tracking and communications sites, ground access to respond to emergency or accident locations, munitions safety buffers, noise requirements, ground safety ^ and encroachment issues. (c) COOPERATION AND COORDINATION.—The Secretary of Defense shall conduct the study in cooperation with the Secretary of the Air Force and the Secretary of the Army. (d) EFFECT OF STUDY. —Until the Secretary of Defense submits to Congress a report containing the results of the study, the Secretary of the Interior may not proceed with the amendment of any individual resource management plan for Utah national defense lands, or any statewide environmental impact statement or statewide resource management plan amendment package for such lands, if the statewide environmental impact statement or statewide resource management plan amendment addresses wilderness characteristics or wilderness management issues affecting such lands. SEC. 2816. DESIGNATION OF MISSILE INTELLIGENCE BUILDING AT REDSTONE ARSENAL, ALABAMA, AS THE RICHARD C. SHELBY CENTER FOR MISSILE INTELLIGENCE. (a) DESIGNATION.—The newly-constructed missile intelligence building located at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama, and housing a field agency of the Defense Intelligence Agency shall be known and designated as the "Richard C. Shelby Center for Missile Intelligence".