Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 5.djvu/852

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112 STAT. 3610 PUBLIC LAW 105-393 —NOV. 13, 1998 "TITLE V—ADMINISTRATION 42 USC 3191. "SEC. 501. ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. President. "(a) IN GENERAL. —The Secretary shall carry out this Act through an Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development, to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. "(b) COMPENSATION.— The Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development shall be compensated at the rate payable for level IV of the Executive Schedule under section 5315 of title 5, United States Code. "(c) DUTIES.— The Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development shall carry out such duties as the Secretary shall require and shall serve as the administrator of the Economic Development Administration of the Department. 42 USC 3192. "SEC. 502. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION CLEARINGHOUSE. "In carrying out this Act, the Secretary shall— "(1) maintain a central information clearinghouse on matters relating to economic development, economic adjustment, disaster recovery, defense conversion, and trade adjustment programs and activities of the Federal and State governments, including political subdivisions of States; "(2) assist potential and actual applicants for economic development, economic adjustment, disaster recovery, defense conversion, and trade adjustment assistance under Federal, State, and local laws in locating and applying for the assistance; and "(3) assist areas described in section 301(a) and other areas by providing to interested persons, communities, industries, and businesses in the areas any technical information, market research, or other forms of assistance, information, or advice that would be useful in alleviating or preventing conditions of excessive unemployment or underemployment in the areas. 42 USC 3193. "SEC. 503. CONSULTATION WITH OTHER PERSONS AND AGENCIES. "(a) CONSULTATION ON PROBLEMS RELATING TO EMPLOYMENT.— The Secretary may consult with any persons, including representatives of labor, management, agriculture, and government, who can assist in addressing the problems of area and regional unemploy- ment or underemployment. "(b) CONSULTATION ON ADMINISTRATION OF ACT.— The Secretary may provide for such consultation with interested Federal agencies as the Secretary determines to be appropriate in the performance of the duties of the Secretary under this Act. 42 USC 3194. "SEC. 504. ADMINISTRATION, OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE. "The Secretary shall approve Federal assistance under this Act only if the Secretary is satisfied that the project for which Federal assistance is granted will be properly and efficiently administered, operated, and maintained. 42 USC 3195. "SEC. 505. BUSINESSES DESIRING FEDERAL CONTRACTS. "The Secretary may provide the procurement divisions of Federal agencies with a list consisting of— "(1) the names and addresses of businesses that are located in areas described in section 301(a) and that wish to obtain