Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 1.djvu/659

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PUBLIC LAW 105-196—JULY 16, 1998 112 STAT. 633 Such program shall identify populations that are underrepresented among potential donors enrolled with the Registry. In the case of populations that are identified under the preceding sentence: "(A) The Registry shall give priority to carrying out activities under this part to increase representation for such populations in order to enable a member of such a population, to the extent practicable, to have a probability of finding a suitable unrelated donor that is comparable to the probability that an individual who is not a member of an underrepresented population would have. "(B) The Registry shall consider racial and ethnic minority groups (including persons of mixed ancestry) to be populations that have been identified for purposes of this paragraph, and shall carry out subparagraph (A) with respect to such populations. " (2) INFORMATION AND EDUCATION REGARDING RECRUIT- MENT; TESTING AND ENROLLMENT.— "(A) IN GENERAL.— In carrying out the program under paragraph (1), the Registry shall carry out informational and educational activities for purposes of recruiting individuals to serve as donors of bone marrow, and shall test and enroll with the Registry potential donors. Such information and educational activities shall include the following: "(i) Making information available to the general public, including information describing the needs of patients with respect to donors of bone marrow. "(ii) Educating and providing information to individuals who are willing to serve as potential donors, including providing updates. "(iii) Training individuals in requesting individuals to serve as potential donors. "(B) PRIORITIES.—In carrying out informational and educational activities under subparagraph (A), the Registry shall give priority to recruiting individuals to serve as donors of bone marrow for populations that are identified under paragraph (1). "(3) TRANSPLANTATION AS TREATMENT OPTION.—In addition to activities regarding recruitment, the program under paragraph (1) shall provide information to physicians, other health care professionals, and the public regarding the availability, as a potential treatment option, of receiving a transplant of bone marrow from an unrelated donor.". (d) PATIENT ADVOCACY AND CASE MANAGEMENT.— Section 379 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 274k), as amended by subsection (c) of this section, is amended by inserting after subsection (c) the following subsection: "(d) PATIENT ADVOCACY; CASE MANAGEMENT.— Establishment. "(1) IN GENERAL. — The Registry shall establish and maintain an office of patient advocacy (in this subsection referred to as the 'Office'). "(2) GENERAL FUNCTIONS. —The Office shall meet the following requirements: "(A) The Office shall be headed by a director. "(B) The Office shall operate a system for patient advocacy, which shall be separate from mechanisms for