Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 2.djvu/864

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Ill STAT. 1944 PUBLIC LAW 105-85—NOV. 18, 1997 together with the actions taken to absorb some 30,000 of those Cubans into the United States, required significant efforts and the expenditure of hundreds of milhons of dollars for the costs incurred by the United States and State and local governments in connection with those efforts. (5) On February 24, 1996, Cuban MiG aircraft attacked and destroyed, in international airspace, two unarmed civilian aircraft flying from the United States, and the four persons in those unarmed civilian aircraft were killed. (6) Since that attack, the Cuban government has issued no apology for the attack, nor has it indicated any intention to conform its conduct to international law that is applicable to civilian aircraft operating in international airspace. (b) REVIEW AND ASSESSMENT.— The Secretary of Defense shall carry out a comprehensive review and assessment of— (1) Cuban military capabilities; and (2) the threats to the national security of the United States that may be posed by Cuba, including— (A) such unconventional threats as (i) encouragement of massive and dangerous migration, and (ii) attacks on citizens and residents of the United States while they are engaged in peaceful protest in international waters or airspace; (B) the potential for development and delivery of chemical or biological weapons; and (C) the potential for internal strife in Cuba that could involve citizens or residents of the United States or the Armed Forces of the United States. (c) REPORT.— Not later than March 31, 1998, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on National Security of the House of Representatives a report on the review and assessment. The report shall include the following: (1) The Secretary's assessment of the capabilities and threats referred to in subsection (b), including each of the threats described in paragraph (2) of that subsection. (2) A discussion of the results of the review and assessment, including an assessment of the contingency plans developed by the Secretary to counter any threat posed by Cuba to the United States. (d) CONSULTATION ON REVIEW AND ASSESSMENT. — In performing the review and assessment and in preparing the report, the Secretary of Defense shall consult with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the commander of the United States Southern Command, and the heads of other appropriate departments and agencies of the United States. SEC. 1229. REPORT ON HELSINKI JOINT STATEMENT. President. (a) REQUIREMENT. — Not later than March 31, 1998, the President shall submit to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on National Security of the House of Representatives a report on the Helsinki Joint Statement on future reductions in nuclear forces. The report shall address the United States approach (including verification implications) to implementing the Helsinki Joint Statement, in particular, as that Statement relates to the following: (1) Lower aggregate levels of strategic nuclear warheads.