Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 2.djvu/516

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Ill STAT. 1596 PUBLIC LAW 105-83 —NOV. 14, 1997 16 USC 460Z-6a note. Reports. Oregon, and northern California that have been affected by reduced timber harvesting on Federal lands. SEC. 320. (a) Section 101(c) of Public Law 104-134 is amended as follows: Under the heading "TITLE III —GENERAL PROVI- SIONS" amend section 315(c)(1) by striking subparagraphs (A) and (B) and inserting: "(A) Eighty percent to a special account in the Treasury for use without further appropriation, by the agency which administers the site, to remain available for expenditure in accordance with paragraph (2)(A). "(B) Twenty percent to a special account in the Treasury for use without further appropriation, by the agency which administers the site, to remain available for expenditure in accordance with paragraph (2)(B).". (b) Subparagraph (C) of section 315(c)(1) is amended by inserting "and the National Park Service" after "the Fish and Wildlife Service". SEC. 321. None of the funds collected under the Recreational Fee Demonstration program may be used to plan, design, or construct a visitor center or any other permanent structure without prior approval of the House and the Senate Committees on Appropriations if the estimated total cost of the facility exceeds $500,000. SEC. 322. Section 303(d)(1) of Public Law 96-451 (16 U.S.C. 1606a(d)(l)) is amended by inserting before the semicolon the following: "and other forest stand improvement activities to enhance forest health and reduce hazardous fuel loads of forest stands in the National Forest System". SEC. 323. (a) Prior to the completion of any decision document or the making of any decision related to the final Environmental Impact Statements (hereinafter "final EISs") associated with the Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Project (hereinafter the "Project"), the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior shall prepare and submit to the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and the House of Representatives a report that shall include: (1) a detailed description of any and all land and resource management planning and policy or project decisions to be made, by type and by the level of official responsible, and the procedures for such decisions to be undertaken, by the Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, and Fish and Wildlife Service pursuant to the National Forest Management Act, Federal Land Policy and Management Act, Endangered Species Act, National Environmental Policy Act and any other applicable law in order to authorize and implement actions affecting the environment on Federal lands within the jurisdiction of either Secretary in the Project area that are consistent with the final EISs; (2) a detailed estimation of the time and cost (for all participating Federal agencies) to accomplish each decision described in paragraph (1), from the date of initiation of preparations for, to the date of publication or announcement of, the decision, including a detailed statement of the source of funds for each such decision and any reprogramming in fiscal year 1998; (3) estimated production of goods and services from each unit of the Federal lands for the first 5 years during the