Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 2.djvu/487

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PUBLIC LAW 105-83 —NOV. 14, 1997 111 STAT. 1567 SEC. 124. (a) PRIORITY OF BONDS.— Section 3 of Public Law 94-392 (90 Stat. 1193, 1195) is amended— 48 USC 1574c. (1) by striking "priority for payment" and inserting "a parity lien with every other issue of bonds or other obligations issued for payment"; and (2) by striking "in the order of the date of issue". (b) APPLICATION.— The amendments made by subsection (a) 48 USC I574c. shall apply to obligations issued on or after the date of enactment of this section. (c) SHORT TERM BORROWING.— Section 1 of Public Law 94- 392 (90 Stat. 1193) is amended by adding the following new 48 USC 1574a subsection at the end: "(d) The legislature of the Government of the Virgin Islands may cause to be issued notes in anticipation of the collection of the taxes and revenues for the current fiscal year. Such notes shall mature and be paid within one year from the date they are issued. No extension of such notes shall be valid and no additional notes shall be issued under this section until all notes issued during a preceding year shall have been paid.". SEC. 125. (a) In this section— Kansas. (1) the term "Huron Cemetery" means the lands that form the cemetery that is popularly known as the Huron Cemetery, located in Kansas City, Kansas, as described in subsection (b)(3); and (2) the term "Secretary" means the Secretary of the Interior. (b)(1) The Secretary shall take such action as may be necessary to ensure that the lands comprising the Huron Cemetery (as described in paragraph (3)) are used only in accordance with this subsection. (2) The lands of the Huron Cemetery shall be used only— (A) for religious and cultural uses that are compatible with the use of the lands as a cemetery; and (B) as a burial ground. (3) The description of the lands of the Huron Cemetery is as follows: Thetract oflandintheNWV4ofsec. 10,T.11S., R. 25 E., of the sixth principal meridian, in Wyandotte County, Kansas (as surveyed and marked on the ground on August 15, 1888, by William Millor, Civil Engineer and Surveyor), described as follows: "Commencing on the Northwest comer of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 10; "Thence South 28 poles to the 'true point of beginning'; "Thence South 71 degrees East 10 poles and 18 links; "Thence South 18 degrees and 30 minutes West 28 poles; "Thence West 11 and one-half poles; "Thence North 19 degrees 15 minutes East 31 poles and 15 feet to the 'true point of beginning', containing 2 acres or more.". SEC. 126. ARKANSAS POST NATIONAL MEMORIAL.— (a) The 16 USC 431 note, boundaries of the Arkansas Post National Memorial are revised to include the approximately 360 acres of land generally depicted on the map entitled "Arkansas Post National Memorial, Osotouy Unit, Arkansas County, Arkansas" and dated June 1993. Such