Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 2.djvu/458

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Ill STAT. 1538 PUBLIC LAW 105-81—NOV. 13, 1997 (1) base land having appurtenant grazing privileges within Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, remaining after January 1, 1990, under the Act entitled "An Act to establish a new Grand Teton National Park in the State of Wyoming, and for other purposes", approved September 14, 1950 (16 U.S.C. 406d-l et seq.); and (2) any ranch and agricultural land adjacent to the Park, the use and disposition of which may affect accomplishment of the purposes of the Act. (b) PURPOSE. —The study shall— (1) assess the significance of the ranching use and pastoral character of the land (including open vistas, wildlife habitat, and other public benefits); (2) assess the significance of that use and character to the purposes for which the Park was established and identify any need for preservation of, and practicable means of, preserving the land that is necessary to protect that use and character; (3) recommend a variety of economically feasible and viable tools and techniques to retain the pastoral qualities of the land; and (4) estimate the costs of implementing any recommendations made for the preservation of the land. (c) PARTICIPATION.— In conducting the study, the Secretary of the Interior shall seek participation from the Governor of the State of Wyoming, the Teton County Commissioners, the Secretary of Agriculture, affected land owners, and other interested members of the public. (d) REPORT.— Not later than 3 years from the date funding is available for the purposes of this Act, the Secretary of the Interior shall submit a report to Congress that contains the findings of the study under subsection (a) and makes recommendations to Congress regarding action that may be taken with respect to the land described in subsection (a). 16 USC 406d-2 SEC. 3. EXTENSION OF GRAZING PRIVILEGES. (a) IN GENERAL.—Subject to subsection (b), the Secretary of the Interior shall reinstate and extend for the duration of the study described in section 2(a) and until such time as the recommendations of the study are implemented, the grazing privileges described in section 2(a)(1), under the same terms and conditions as were in effect prior to the expiration of the privileges.