Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 6.djvu/633

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CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS-JUNE 13, 1996 110 STAT. 4455 (1) COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE, NUTRITION, AND FOR- ESTRY.— The Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry shall report changes in laws within its jurisdiction that provide direct spending (as defined in section 250(c)(8) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985) to reduce outlays $1,974,000,000 in fiscal year 1997, $26,169,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 1997 through 2002, and $5,967,000,000 in fiscal year 2002. (2) COMMITTEE ON FINANCE.— (A) The Senate Committee on Finance shall report changes in laws within its jurisdiction that provide direct spending (as defined in section 250(c)(8) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985) to reduce outlays $260,000,000 in fiscal year 1997, $98,321,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 1997 through 2002, and $36,578,000,000 in fiscal year 2002. (B) The Committee on Finance shall report changes in laws within its jurisdiction necessary to reduce revenues by not more than $122,400,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 1997 through 2002. (b) SECOND RECONCILIATION INSTRUCTIONS.— NO later than July 24, 1996, the Committee on Finance shall report to the Senate a reconciliation bill proposing changes in laws within its jurisdiction that provide direct spending (as defined in section 250(c)(8) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985) to reduce outlays $6,800,000,000 in fiscal year 1997, $158,000,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 1997 through 2002, and $52,803,000,000 in fiscal year 2002. (c) THIRD RECONCILIATION INSTRUCTIONS.— No later than September 18, 1996, the committees named in this subsection shall submit their recommendations to the Committee on the Budget of the Senate. After receiving those recommendations, the Committee on the Budget shall report to the Senate a reconciliation bill carrying out all such recommendations without any substantive revision. (1) COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE, NUTRITION, AND FOR- ESTRY.— The Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry shall report changes in laws within its jurisdiction that provide direct spending (as defined in section 250(c)(8) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985) to reduce outlays $10,000,000 in fiscal year 1997, $65,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 1997 through 2002, and $11,000,000 in fiscal year 2002. (2) COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES.— The Senate Committee on Armed Services shall report changes in laws within its jurisdiction that provide direct spending (as defined in section 250(c)(8) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985) to reduce outlays $79,000,000 in fiscal year 1997, $649,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 1997 through 2002, and $166,000,000 in fiscal year 2002. (3) COMMITTEE ON BANiaNG, HOUSING, AND URBAN AFFAIRS.— The Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs shall report changes in laws within its jurisdiction that reduce the deficit by $3,628,000,000 in fiscal year 1997, $3,605,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 1997 through 2002, and $462,000,000 in fiscal year 2002. (4) COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND TRANSPOR- TATION.—The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and