Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 3.djvu/486

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110 STAT. 2216 PUBLIC LAW 104-193—AUG. 22, 1996 (1) Sections 452(a)(9), 453(a), 453(b), 463(a), 463(e), and 463(f) (42 U.S.C. 652(a)(9), 653(a), 653(b), 663(a), 663(e), and 663(f)) are each amended by inserting "Federal" before "Parent" each place such term appears. (2) Section 453 (42 U.S.C. 653) is amended in the heading by adding "FEDERAL" before "PARENT". (f) NEW COMPONENTS. — Section 453 (42 U.S.C. 653), as amended by subsection (d) of this section, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsections: Establishment. "(h) FEDERAL CASE REGISTRY OF CHILD SUPPORT ORDERS.— "(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than October 1, 1998, in order to assist States in administering programs under State plans approved under this part and programs funded under part A, and for the other purposes specified in this section, the Secretary shall establish and maintain in the Federal Parent Locator Service an automated registry (which shall be known as the 'Federal Case Registry of Child Support Orders'), which shall contain abstracts of support orders and other information described in paragraph (2) with respect to each case in each State case registry maintained pursuant to section 454A(e), as furnished (and regularly updated), pursuant to section 454A(f), by State agencies administering programs under this part. "(2) CASE INFORMATION.—The information referred to in paragraph (1) with respect to a case shall be such information as the Secretary may specify in regulations (including the names, social security numbers or other uniform identification numbers, and State case identification numbers) to identify the individuals who owe or are owed support (or with respect to or on behalf of whom support obligations are sought to be established), and the State or States which have the case. Establishment. "(i) NATIONAL DIRECTORY OF NEW HIRES.— "(1) IN GENERAL.—In order to assist States in administering programs under State plans approved under this part and programs funded under part A, and for the other purposes specified in this section, the Secretary shall, not later than October 1, 1997, establish and maintedn in the Federal Parent Locator Service an automated directory to be known as the National Directory of New Hires, which shall contain the information supplied pursuant to section 453A(g)(2). "(2) ENTRY OF DATA. — Information shall be entered into the data base maintained by the National Directory of New Hires within 2 business days of receipt pursuant to section 453A(g)(2). "(3) ADMINISTRATION OF FEDERAL TAX LAWS.— The Secretary of the Treasury shall have access to the information in the National Directory of New Hires for purposes of administering section 32 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or the advance payment of the earned income tax credit under section 3507 of such Code, and verifying a claim with respect to employment in a tax return. "(4) LIST OF MULTISTATE EMPLOYERS.— The Secretary shall maintain within the National Directory of New Hires a list of multistate employers that report information regarding newly hired employees pursuant to section 453A(b)(l)(B), and the State which each such employer has designated to receive such information.